

Responses from donavabdear

AES/EBU cable shootout
@ghasley I hear you, no doubt that good people with great ears hear huge improvements with cables, I have drank the Kool Aid myself just in case I was wrong. Hey I have over 70 speakers in my house and 4 Dolby Atmos systems, 1 professional. its r... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
So just think of this, everyone agrees the signal isn’t going to get any better because of cables. So if the original studio or location sound recording doesn’t use these uber expensive cables of any sort (AC, interconnects, speaker) doesn’t that ... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@thyname I understand, I love your audio system it seems you have some expensive cables, you must have some objective reason for buying them. Have a nice day.  
AES/EBU cable shootout
@thyname Sorry you are making the wrong argument, you aren't keeping the signal the same as it is originally you are only at best keeping the signal the same at the level it enters your speakers there is a world of difference between original and ... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@thyname Well argue your point then don't simply put me down, I don't care if it's technical or practical. The question is do cables make a sound system better. No one including the OP is saying that cables don't make a difference they must be up ... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@steakster You say "cable-deniers" does that mean people who don't think cables will make a system sound better? I asked many cable manufactures at AXPONA what cables do for a sound system only 1 manufacture, Beldon, had an answer. Most of them sa... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@thyname I really don't mean to pick on audiophiles and someone pointed out to me lately that I should be kinder, I agreed and I'll try. It's just that this group is full of intelligent people who have the same hobby as I do so I want to add the t... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@jeffstrick Cables can’t fix anything, although years ago when a singer was to bright we used an old brown Electro Voice cable that didn’t pass high end very well and it fixed the problem, a little EQ with mic cables. Again cables only degrade the... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@thyname To answer your question yes, bollocks everyone knows you can't have better sound quality than the original (I did recording for 35 years) audiophile cables especially are perhaps hundreds of times more expensive than professionals use in ... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
From a professional perspective latency in digital circuits is by far more important than nano second timing differences created by cables. In modern systems used in professional recording you set latency based on buffer size. Last week we did sou... 
AES/EBU cable shootout
@ghdprentice When I ask this question to cable manufactures the good ones say we don't know but it does seem to sound better. The bad ones give me ridiculous notions of speed of the signal matching and power reservoir and keeping radio frequency i... 
Describe the "new HiFi sound"?
@dayglow I do remember those speakers I’m embarrassed to say they looked so boxy and cheep I didn’t give them the respect their sound deserved. They did sound good but I was shallow and looking for more interesting speakers. Sorry I didn’t give th... 
Describe the "new HiFi sound"?
@dayglow Oh no, I mentioned those speakers several times to people but I called them Title darn I got the name wrong. Yes the Totem’s were wonderful they made the biggest impression on me of any smaller speaker, those Canadian’s can make some grea... 
Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.
@kota1 Yes there were some beautiful MC901 amps being shown off with beautiful equipment and B and W 801 speakers in a big room, it was horrible. The B and W 801s were so harsh compared to everything else it was off the charts, you really get a ve... 
Speakers and amplifiers show audiophiles are confused.
Other than the Title speakers with the Bryson amps for $8k I'd say the JBL L100's were the best for the money.