
Responses from dodgealum

First Order Crossovers: Pros and Cons
Not sure if anyone is still paying attention here but I was just reading a review of the PMC OB1 loudspeaker in which the reviewer states that the crossover is wonderfully designed and produced a plot of phase coherence that is the best he has eve... 
Linn Sondek LP12 - Cartridge recommendation
I agree with the above posts. I had an LP 12 for a number of years and I would stick with one of the Linn arms. Everything I read at the time suggests the SME is a poor match for that table. It is too heavy to obtain the proper adjustment of the s... 
Harbeth Owners - I Need Some Help
Dan, I think much of what you say is true--and I will take it as a warning. When folks refer to any component as a good "reviewers tool" it raises in my mind the "great divide" that seems to exist within the community--between those that are into ... 
Harbeth Owners - I Need Some Help
Dan--most assuredly not an indictment of the speaker. I think it speaks to the essential musicality of the design. I'm not sure that I would classify any speaker as great (or even acceptable) that only "worked" with the right combination of select... 
Harbeth Owners - I Need Some Help
Grills on. I'm using custom made Target 19" stands--with the spikes it raised the speaker 20" from the floor. I had the top plate cut so it would fit just inside the dimensions of the speaker. They look great and work very well. Sound Anchor can d... 
Are the Von Schweikert VR-4JRs really all that?
I know I'll be in the minority here but I personally do not think they are "all that". I did an extensive audition and found the bass, while deep and quite powerful, to lack pitch definition and speed. It was noticably "unnatural" sounding in the ... 
Your "DREAM" piece
I'd (nearly) kill for a pair of Wilson-Benesch ACT's. They would go real nice with my system and room decor. Please don't anyone ask this question again--its depressing! Hey Beemer--what model? I've got a 73tii Colorado Orange. 
The song you just cant stop playing???
Geeze, I couldn't get through ONE play of "Tambourine" the recording was so G-D awful. I sold it before I even played side two. What a disappointment after "Bramble Rose" which had good tunes and was pretty well recorded. Tift changed producers an... 
Harbeth M30
I would suggest you move away from the Naim equipment. I drove my Compact 7's with a 62/HiCap/140 for a number of years and then switched to ARC tube pre and solid state amp combo. Biggest improvement I have ever made to my system. The Naim does n... 
Review: Harbeth 7ES-2 & Monitor 30 Monitor
I auditioned the D25 recently and commented more extensively on another thread. A very nice speaker, indeed. 
Review: Harbeth 7ES-2 & Monitor 30 Monitor
Steev-n. Interesting--the guide and my experience are at odds. Oh well, who can figure with all the different variables of room acoustics, material construction, etc. Don't deny the wild hair--you won't regret it! 
Review: Harbeth 7ES-2 & Monitor 30 Monitor
Steev-n. I think most people who have heard both the C7 and the Monitor 30 prefer the latter. As I said in my post, I haven't heard the speaker. Knowing what I know about the C7 and HL5, I'm sure it is fantastic. The point of my post was to indica... 
Review: Harbeth 7ES-2 & Monitor 30 Monitor
Great review! Thanks for putting in the time. The Monitor 30 and C7 were compared a while ago by Bob Neill at and I'm not sure whether your review or that one is more thorough and enjoyable to read. Perhaps a second career in the... 
Lucinda Williams Fans?
Huge fan. I've seen her a number of times in concert, all in small venues before she got "big". I'm still wondering who I lent my "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road" cd to--they must of liked it cause I never got it back. I was excited to hear about a n... 
Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?
I have to agree with Zkzpb8. Overall I thought the sound at the show was pretty bad. I can only think of one or two rooms where I was really enjoying what was going on and the Vandy room by Audio Connection was, IMHO, clearly the best. Most of wha...