
Responses from dodgealum

Vinyl Front End Upgrade
I ended up buying a Whest PS30R so we will see what that does. I'll check back in once I get it inserted into my system and then again after I check the cartridge using the Best Tractor. Thanks everyone (again!). 
Dynavector XX2MK2 vs. Soundsmith "The Voice"
Ptm...Hard to say. I've been disappointed with my analogue set up ever since I got my Esoteric X-03SE. I thought I'd begin by selling my ARC SP16 with phono and going for a better linestage coupled with a dedicated phonostage. So I bought an ARC L... 
What tables will you be looking At?
If anyone gets a chance to check out the new Raven .5 I'd love to hear about that one. 
Anyone Heard the New Soundsmith Sussurro Cartridge
I heard it at Soundsmith following an audition of "The Voice". The Serioso (sp?) was WAY better. In fact, it made "The Voice" sound pretty bad by comparison. It should, it costs three times as much. Not sure how it would stack up against similarly... 
Harbeth Compact 7s with Mcintosh MC225?
You can really drive the C7's with ANYTHING and they will sound great. In my experience, 100-150 watts of solid state power is really ideal but there is a lot of wiggle room with these speakers and you will get really good results with many differ... 
Vinyl Front End Upgrade
All: Thanks for the suggestions. I've emailed for further information on the Best Tractor. I've always felt uneasy about the VPI jig's reliance on the cartridge body as a visual reference and the Best Tractor appears to correct this by allowing al... 
Vinyl Front End Upgrade
Elinor: I agree that $3K is not a lot of money when we're talking cartridge and phonostage combined--even used. But I'm hesitant to spend much more given the fact that all would be preceded by a Scout/JMW9, which is stock except for the 300rpm mot... 
Vinyl Front End Upgrade
Thanks everyone so far. While the phonostage recommendations are helpful I'm really trying to think of this as a phono playback system and purchase a cartridge and phonostage that are particularly well suited together. I'd really be interested in ... 
Hybrid Audio Research?
The SD135 is the latest model solid state power amp from ARC. I am not aware of a new hybrid model SD135 and doubt ARC would release a product of completely different design using the same model number as it would completely confuse everyone. As t... 
Have you considered using one of ARC's solid state amps with your ARC tube preamp? I ran an SP16 into both a 100.2 and later a 150.2 driving a pair of Harbeth Compact 7's with good results. The 100.2 sounded better but used more energy and gave of... 
Switch from Parasound JC-1 to Bel Canto Ref 1000?
I would recommend trying the Bel Canto's in your system not only because this is the only true way to decide which set of monos works best in your application but also because you would gain some genuine insight into how amplifiers of similar spec... 
Rrsclyde--glad to hear you are enjoying the DA-RMa's. I've had my DA-1.1's for over a year now and the love affair continues. Lou--I was intrigued by your comparison of the different models since I did not get a chance to comparison shop within th... 
Mothership - The Inspiration
The problem is you started at the top. Like someone without any knowledge of what two channel stereo can do walking into a demo of a $250K system and then wondering what can I get that sounds like that for $3K. Many of the bands folks have listed ... 
In case people have not seen it there is a nice review of the DA-RMa posted at Stereotimes. The reviewer purchased the pair--no better endorsement in my view. 
"it was striking how the Ulysses' provided a window on what was happening upstream. The invidual characteristics of the amplifiers were easy to discern". Jazdoc: I couldn't agree more. In the past six months I've upgraded my preamp (from an Audio ...