
Responses from dkarmeli

Coincident vs Lamm
Just borrow the Lamms from your friend, it will take all of 30 seconds for you to get blown away! One caveat use their stock cords and don't use audiophile fuses, footers or tweaks.disclaimer, Lamm dealer of 16 years. 
Buy Montis or Keep ML reQuests & Buy Meitner MA-1?
Don't buy anything! That's what I'd tell you if you were my customer. Before spending $7k on anything you need to get your setup right. At the very least move your speakers away from the back wall and get rid of your speaker cables, the improvemen... 
New $35K pivoting tonearm
Lewm, my comments on the wooden arms have to do with some of their pricing and not their sonic quality. Its what this thread is mostly about, that at a certain point you have to say enough is enough. I'm sure that the price of this arm will serve ... 
New $35K pivoting tonearm
Syntax, You're right and I feel the same looking at a chopstick with a hinge for thousands of dollars. Lets not forget the same reviewers raving about the ultimate toilet flush design, the Well Tempered arm... 
New $35K pivoting tonearm
G m c, you're not imagining it, vaseline and colonoscopy lights included! 
New $35K pivoting tonearm
Isochronism, I don't disagree with you but that's called branding and there's hundreds of millions spent to create that illusion and value. Plus there's intrinsic precious materials value that through out history have only appreciated in time, wha... 
New $35K pivoting tonearm
What can I say hi-end audio pricing is getting more and more ridiculous by the minute. As a long time jewelry manufacturer with in house tool and die dept., I can categorically that we're all being taken to the cleaners by some of these arm and ca... 
What preamp between Burmester and Krell?
Kclone, its a question of taste and experience, just don't find burmester equipment musical or worth the price. This is from direct hands on personal ownership. But no one's telling you that you shouldn't enjoy yours. 
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1
Peterayer, in Tuchan's set up there are 3 separate fixed platforms sitting on top of a larger shelf. There's no movement in any direction unless intentional. Quality 4 point active air bladders will eliminate the issue you mention. Even then the a... 
Micro SX-8000 II or SZ-1
Peterayer, what Tuchan is suggesting is simply a fixed separate platform on the same plane under each component instead of one large one for all three. Setting up of belt tension is no different from them sitting on one platform. Theoretically thi... 
What preamp between Burmester and Krell?
Neither, both are horrible sounding pre amplifiers! Look for a used Lamm L1 or L2 preamp instead 
Correct alignment for Fidelity Research 64fx/SPU?
In my experience a 3012-r + SPU beats the pants off any SPU + FR combination, including the 66s & the recent Ikeda arms. The FR mount doesn't have the flexibility of the SME and as you noticed, short of a new arm board you won't get the proper... 
Bay Area Electrician For Equi=Tech
Check your local white pages or Angie's list, the Equi=Tech panel isn't a big deal to install and most licensed electricians are capable of installing it.Just a word of caution. the Equi=Tech has a transformer and transformers have a clean but dry... 
FR64S tonearm overhaul
Are you sure its copper and not silver? I have 3 FR-64s arms with silver wires inside and wouldn't mind exchanging one with yours if its definitely copper and in mint condition. 
Best Speaker for classical music
Br3098 , I like horns and horn loaded speakers but active speakers with class D amps? That's a complete turnoff for me. I simply have never heard a class D amp that I could even accept as midifi, and I've heard a lot of them at many different pric...