
Responses from djones51

The thing about objectivists is...
PRaT is a subjective term we need to keep the discussion focused on the thing about objectivist.   
How to Solve High-Frequency Suckout in Room?
Easy test without buying anything would be download and run a 1khz and/or 10khz test signal through one channel at a time and use a SPL meter on your phone. Make sure you don’t change the volume when switching. The right channel is the one you sus... 
How to Solve High-Frequency Suckout in Room?
When you're doing excessive toe you're doing, time intensity trading, like they talk about in video. You could give it a try as it will move the reflection to the side wall on the right.   
How to Solve High-Frequency Suckout in Room?
You could try extreme toe in where the speaker axis crosses about 3 feet in front of your listening position. You could also pull the speakers out into the room more, In live rooms where you aren't able to do a lot a treatments speakers with narro... 
How to Solve High-Frequency Suckout in Room?
Narrow directivity speaker like Dutch and Dutch 8c, Kii3,  would work better in that room.  Or a horn speaker maybe JBL 4367.   
Roon "Lost control of audio device"?
I'm running ROCK which is Roons OS on a NUC. I had the same problem the only thing that fixed it was reinstalling the OS but it's easy to do with ROCK. Can you log in to the OS and find Roon core with webmin and do a reinstall ?   
Roon "Lost control of audio device"?
What OS is on the server?  
The thing about objectivists is...
We know what time it is by the way we have decided to slice the Earth's rotation.  
The thing about objectivists is...
I don't get the reason for starting off , the thing about objectivist ?  I haven't read where anyone disagrees with what we like, how we listen or what we listen to is not subjective. What's your point?   
Beginner improvements for room acoustics; very helpful Darko video on reverb and RT60
Since when does preference matter with you measurement types? Preference is  always important ,  unsupported claims not,  just admit it's preference not a miraculous suspension of physics.  
Beginner improvements for room acoustics; very helpful Darko video on reverb and RT60
There is no " one size fits all". My biggest problem with peddlers like Darko is convincing people he has the answers when he simply repeats the same old tropes. Absorb, diffuse or reflect first point? Depends. Ceiling or floor bounce good or bad?... 
Beginner improvements for room acoustics; very helpful Darko video on reverb and RT60
Yes, he glossed over distance and yes, he gives me the heebie jeebies.   
Beginner improvements for room acoustics; very helpful Darko video on reverb and RT60
I don't think he's untrustworthy just in it for money which is fine but I take these  YouTube  guys that have a vested monetary interest with a grain of salt. the video you posted has some good advice and some lousy advice. For example when he say... 
Beginner improvements for room acoustics; very helpful Darko video on reverb and RT60
In most small domestic rooms it's not that big of a deal. Darko is not someone to go to for acoustic advice or really any advice IMO. If you're doing HT in a dedicated room it's a good idea because it can help get better sound field over more seat... 
Tekton haters and bashers you just got a new target!
They're both ugly so they have that going for them. I misplaced my giant clothespin anyone see it ?