
Responses from djones51

The Big Misconception About Electricity
Yes, because the Mass of the Earth is greater than an Apple, black holes exist whether you want to believe they do or not. The universe doesn't give a crap about what makes sense to one species on one rocky planet. Get over it we humans are not th... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
I think you flunked your own logic class.  Computers plot the course using mathematics of the gravitational model. The working model we have of the universe not some idiotic electric nonsense. GPS works based on the same gravitational model  not  ... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
Uh, those rockets and computers are using mathematics of the gravitational model to get there, we don't just send a spacecraft into space without a guidance system.  Without Newton's laws there's no way other then the point and guess method.   
The Big Misconception About Electricity
This is rich, we use mathematics of the gravitational model to send spacecraft that takes photographs of a hexagonal storm on Saturn that disproves the gravitational model?  
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Because DACs measurements are different doesn't mean you can hear differences or pick which is which in blind testing. Being more realistic I would say some $200 DACs would be hard if not impossible to guess better than chance from some $5000 ones.   
.? Digital Reclocking and syncing clocks does anyone know the correct Answrrsb
This is a pretty good easy to understand article on Digital keep in mind it’s from 2008 and the section on "jitter", even 13 years ago explains how it isn’t a problem.      
The Big Misconception About Electricity
This thread  is turning  new age blather and pseudo science gobbledy gook . When you're worm food your consiousness goes poof. Learn to live with it and get over the idea humans are special we're insignificant organisms on an insigficant planet in... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
I, for one welcome our AI overlords.   
.? Digital Reclocking and syncing clocks does anyone know the correct Answrrsb
I don't get The notion of an external master clock in an home environment. Studios that are synchronizing a lot of devices  yes, at home overkill.   
The Big Misconception About Electricity
So the Electric Universe is nothing but a cult. After reading some of their mythology that's  what I thought. Promoting Cults should be a definite nono on this site. Please remove this nonsense. If not volutarily the moderators should.   
Does Time alignment and Phase coherency make for a better loudspeaker?
You can turn it on and off the Dutch and Dutch 8c as well. They say for certain studio work it might be advantageous to turn it off but in a basic home environment you're probably not going to notice a difference, they recommend leaving it on. I'v... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
The electric universe notion is as whacked as a flat earth. You’d have to reject almost everything we’ve discovered and tested for centuries, even Newton’s gravitational laws. Even discussing this is nuts. I believe it was Sagan who said , it's ... 
Next best exponential DAC quality level?
Addressing the OP. I doubt you would find anything "better" than the SMSL  if it has the features you want and you're looking for a DAC that's not going to add coloration. If you're thinking warranty purposes and the hassle of shipping overseas th... 
The Big Misconception About Electricity
  It's really disheartening to read these ridiculous conspiracy theory nonsense here. Electric universe? Seriously?       
Can the digital "signal" be over-laundered, unlike money?
Really? No company makes DACs that can properly deal with USB input?  I think the one clueless about digital is you