
Responses from djones51

Love it when it snows
That's  some record breaking  snow fall. More than 30 inches in 24hours. Drifts to 15 feet I don't  see how people live in those areas to much snow for me. 
Love it when it snows
Paranoia runs deepInto your life it will creepStarts when you're always afraidStep out of line the man come And take you away 
Love it when it snows
I naturally  only drink distilled  water, rain water or pure grain alcohol to replenish  my precious bodily fluids. I think that's  why these scientists  only drink vodka and never tap water it's how they have brainwashed all these people into fal... 
Love it when it snows
The UK Met isn’t the CRU but at any rate that incident was investigated and the result was no manipulation of data. The cherry picked emails by climate change deniers which superficially looked like nefarious goings on was easily set aside once th... 
Love it when it snows
The datasets from NASA and the UK Met and Berkeley  Earth match the NOAA data so I assume NASA and the UK are in on this cover up  as well. The larger this supposed  cover up grows the harder it is to believe.  
Love it when it snows
Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets and Stopping by Woods my favorite poem of his. 
Love it when it snows
New report out showing that hydrofluorocarbons haven't leveled or reduced but increased leading scientists to believe China and India haven't been successful in reducing their output. 
Love it when it snows
Tony/Steve isn’t worth the trouble since his claims have been debunked but enough of him lets look at this so called conspiracy our govt is pulling on us. There are hundreds of climate scientists in this country alone not to mention assistants so ... 
Signal break up on 7 month old Bluesound Node 2i
Sorry you said the song was in your library so I thought it was on a hard drive  of CDs you ripped or converted to FLAC or Wav. 
Signal break up on 7 month old Bluesound Node 2i
Since it is only one album I would think the file has gotten corrupt. I would RIP the album again replace it in my library and see what it does.  
Dedicated Power Line Project
If you read the reviews on Lowe's site the first guy who reviewed the wire said it was stranded but the ground wire was solid ? so it might be a misprint. 
Love it when it snows
I don't  know,  has anyone made the statement  human activity isn't  contributing  to climate change?  
The Modern DAC killed High Resolution Music - has Stereophile proven it?
I don't  know  about  killing  hi res but I read a few years ago about jitter in modern dacs isn't  a problem anymore. I wish I could find the article sign of old age I guess. 
Love it when it snows
Is the universe infinite? I don't  know all we can  do  is  see  to  a certain time through our telescopes, so far there has been something as far as we can see anyway.  
Love it when it snows
Has to do with the uneven  distribution  of mass and the curvature  of space time. It' consists  of gravitons but I don't  think they have ever been observed. Newton's inverse square to distance worked good enough to get to the moon.