
Responses from divertiti

Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Thanks gents, a couple of more questions if you don't mind....one of my two pairs of interconnect that I'd like to convert uses barewire (no PTFE) inside cotton sleeve, two questions:1. If I were to make the two runs into a single double run of tw... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Thanks for the input and confirmation @grannyring Do the ground conductors that make the helix shape need to be also twisted pair or should it be two helix just slotted into each other? If the ground conductors need to be made into twisted pairs f... 
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Loving the discussion here, props to Steve for bringing this to the community. I'm running a full loom of DIY helix cables in my system, Mundorf silver gold for interconnect and VH copper for power and speaker.A few question for the experts here s... 
D'agostino amplifiers: where's the beef?
Beef is in the margins 
Do I really need to replace avr with an av processor?
The best solution for a mixed use system is to buy a stereo integrated amp with HT bypass feature, that way you can plug your 2 channel source (DAC or phono) in one input, and plug your AVR into another input, both will funnel sound to your front ... 
Preamp suggestions, yes again
Look up Don Sachs Tube Preamp, they are superb 
B&W Nautilus 803 or B&W 702 S2?
@gebowers In my experience B&W speakers sound very "hi-fi", with boosts in upper mid to make it seem more impressive upon show room audition, however over long listening periods the presentation become unnatural and fatiguing. 
Margin on speaker sales by high end dealer
Gross margin is usually 40-60%, which means dealers charge 100% mark-up on cost of goods. Depending on the brand it's sometimes higher or lower.  
fake TL audio preamp in china
I mentioned this in the other thread, I have owned quite a few Chinese hifi components and they have all be superlative. Many brands like Denafrips, Line Magnetic, Jay's Audio, Soundaware, Kinki Studio are all top notch in sonics, build quality an... 
Chinese Class A SS
Owned many fantastic Chinese pieces, from Denafrips to Line Magnetic, all top notch quality.@freediver Am I remembering correctly that you were running the Line Magnetic 805? 
Rockna Wavelight thoughts?
@milpai That was a great reading, thanks for sharing. Now waiting on Terry's review to publish 
Suggestions for solid state balanced linestage with remote, $2000 or less
Benchmark LA4, incredibly clean and musical preamp, Stereophile class A 
Preamp under $2,000.
Benchmark LA4 - solid state recommendation for transparency, speed and neutralityDon Sachs Pre - Tube recommendation for tweakability of sound through tube roll, and ability to (with the right tubes) add the organic life to music without compromis... 
SOtM player?
I've used SOTM for over a year with no issues, it's not that difficult. 
Borderpatrol Dac SE
I have had it in my system as well, it's not worthy of all the praise. It was very slow, unfocused and colored in the sound. I think people who like it are in it for the overly warm colored sound.