
Responses from discopants

Streaming for beginner
Oh, and for me in my system Spotify sounds fantastic , as does you tube. I also have Qobuz and it's marginally better on some recordings vs Spotify. Spotify is the better streaming service all round though IMO. It's much better user experience for... 
Streaming for beginner
I'm with Bobby , streaming is actually not as easy as you would think and getting sound quality to be as good as a decent CD player is not easy. I reccomend an Etherregen from Uptone Audio, about $670 your side of the pond if you want to feed your... 
Ethernet cable question
I agree with the above post, Ethernet cable differences are there but it's very subtle stuff and you need the right system to stand a chance of hearing something at all.However a good Ethernet switch between your bog standard router and your syste... 
Built a DIY butcher block and iron pipe rack over the weekend
Looks great, I might do myself one 
Where has been your most effective placement for an aftermarket fuse?
Good suggestion no romance, I think much of the improvements with fuse upgrades comes from improved dampening of the aftermarket fuses.For me in the UK biggest bang for buck was in the plug for my Isotek sigmas power conditioner as this cascaded t... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
Black ravioli big pads under my Lyngdorf TDAI3400. Sound best after a day or 3 or possibly longer. About $80 each. 
The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?
I've got a mix of stuff, black ravioli big feet under my power conditioner (this sounded poor to start with but bass came in in spades after a few days).Stacks of 2 black ravioli mk1 pads and oak cones under most of the rest of my gear.Stillpoints... 
Anybody want a laugh?
I've not heard the switch you linked but I did buy an Etherregen switch and heard an obvious improvement in my system. I then changed the power supply to the Etherregen to a Paul Hynes PR3 regulated linear power supply and heard another obvious ju... 
I have proac tablette 10 signatures which are ls3/5a style 86db 10 ohm.The image fantastically and are very good with folk, jazz and rock. I have a very similar room but I like to run a subwoofer crossed in at 68hz for those bottom octaves. 
Big source improvement using CD player
Spotify 320kbps can sound absolutely fantastic. The app is really user friendly so easy to explore new music and create and enjoy playlists. I get a very small delta streaming SOME  higher rez content  from qobuz but that delta maxed out at 24bit ... 
I can prove your room is bad
There are other alternatives to treating your room with panels traps and wotnots.Lyngdorf room perfect DSP is very good at dealing with the room acoustics allowing much more practical and WAF speaker placement in you don’t have the luxury of a ded... 
In Defense of Audiophiles, Bose, Pass, Toole and Science
What other scientific endeavor accepts subjective opinion as evidence and rejects scientifically accepted DBX testing as worthless?I cant think of any truly scientific endeavour that does actually use double blind testing other than clinical resea... 
In Defense of Audiophiles, Bose, Pass, Toole and Science
“You should listen before measurement, or in the absence of knowing what those measurements are. If you measure, analyze and listen, in that order, you are actually creating confirmation bias.”Absolutely this , but in some of the more esoteric pie... 
Best bookshelf loudspeakers under 10,000 for the pair
Consider Boenicke w5 se 
Yet another Integrated vs Separates advice post
I'm going to throw a curve ball into the mix.Lyngdorf TDAI3400 , get the optional analogue input and consider the HDMI module if you like to double duty with AV. You could add a quality sub or 2 down the line as an upgrade path.http://www.the-ear....