
Responses from dgob

Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Nandric,I'm not really sure that I follow your last post but that seems fine!?As always... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Raul,Everyone is free to read and judge your comments and make their own decisions: hopefully in the light of a few facts:1. You have simply NEVER heard the cartridges about which you have repeatedly announced a keen dislike!? [That underpins your... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Nandric,"You also dismissed Ortofon SPU and EMT with a very strange 'foundation' : for some silly Japanese?"I am not wholly surprised. Cartridge/people? An easy digression!As always... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Apologies,That should of course have read: "the price differentials for the additional headshell and fixture type cartridge and the integrated type cartridges that I have mentioned." 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
BTW,For those interested, you can check the price differentials for the additional headshell and fixture type cartridge and the integrated type. I mention this in case anyone should feel that a description such as 'plug-and-play' would some how in... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi All,So two screws connecting disparate materials and then requiring randomly standardised lengths of connecting wires (to transmit the stabilised signal that runs through that connection) is the best way of optimising your cartridge?Interesting... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Nandric,Just to add that I have not stated that these Glanz are "the best": I still lean towards the Technics when giving out such meaningless accolades. In this sense I suppose my reflections have helped me mature to the point where I now appr... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Nandric,Apologies if I missed the humour although I did sense that some of your comments were very much tongue in cheek. I also wholly accept your point that these cartridges are dependent on any buyer having or obtaining tonearms that accept u... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi All,Apologies for the repeated post: although I am clearly not alone in that respect. 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi All,It might be helpful if I address a couple of myths that are circulating on this thread. The first bewildering piece of misinformation is that integrated cartridges lose something to their so called "stand-alone" brethren. Rubbish!Both Glanz... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi All,It might be helpful if I address a couple of myths that are circulating on this thread. The first bewildering piece of misinformation is that integrated cartridges lose something to their so called "stand-alone" brethren. Rubbish!Both Glanz... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Vetterone,I must start by apologising for the slight delay in responding but that was caused by personal demands that kept me occupied yesterday.Anyway, in responding I should note that there exists too little information on the Glanz and most ... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Nandric,"Well this thread become 'something totaly different':it is now about who knows better. Nobody invited Vetterone to demonstrate his knowledge so he obviuously invited him self."I think (from my perspective) I have invited Vetterone to c... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Vetterone,I would just like to say a huge thanks for bringing additional knowledge to bear on this thread. It is a little late here now but I will attempt to respond properly when I log back on in the morning.Kind regardsAs always... 
Glanz moving magnet cartridges
Hi Raul,If you want to look at the available Glanz literature (some of which you have cited), you will see that there is direct performance differences and that (according to the company's literature and the available performance data) the G7 is s...