
Responses from dgarretson

How do you explain slow/lazy sound?
Assuming you are only hearing this "slowness" with TT and that speed of TT has been adjusted to strobe, then the "slowness" may be slurring caused by transient speed instability endemic with cheap belt-drive TTs. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Russian caps are available in various lot sizes. FT-3 teflon, FT-1 teflon(compact 200V version), and K40Y9 PIO are all worth a look as coupling caps, and as filtering or bypass caps in PS. Space permitting they can be stacked in parallel to achiev... 
XLR Connector Comparison
I have constructed the same cable with Neutrik and DH Labs(possibly identical to Vampire). I can't hear any difference. 
Top resistors
What is remarkable about TX2575 in signal path(replacing Caddock MK132 and Caddock TF020/USF340, which had previously replaced Roederstein and generic carbon comp), is how much more detail & nuance of pitch & timbre TX2575 reveals across t... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
It's very easy to play with russian teflon, as FT-3 is  
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
It could be interesting to try some small-value teflon caps bypassing the caps you've tried-- particularly the Mundorf SIO. Mil-spec surplus NOS Russian FT-3 teflon can be had in .1uf-.22uf values on the cheap from Eastern Euro sources on Ebay. I'... 
Zyx Airy 3 Cartridge into Herron VTPH-1 Phono..
Pbaudio, Yes we all have ours favs. I have lately been replacing MK132 and TF020 with TX2575 & have been surprised by the superiority of TX2575. They have more detailed and refined treble & better delineated bass. 
Capacitor burn in, Capacitor Cooker? Need help...
The coupling caps I know are all rated for high voltage AC or DC. I've broken in bunches wired in parallel across zip cord into an AC outlet. But I suppose the ideal burn-in would run the voltage up and down through the cap's range and use a resis... 
Capacitor burn in, Capacitor Cooker? Need help...
For a poor man's break-in, solder the cap to some lamp cord and plug into AC for a month or so. 
Zyx Airy 3 Cartridge into Herron VTPH-1 Phono..
Once you arrive at the correct resistive value, be sure to try Texas Components nude Vishay TX2575 for loading. Transparent, resolving, and harmonically rich. 
LP shipping
I would argue to the seller that to ensure the test record remains flat, a vacuum hold down system or VPI peripheral weight be included gratis with every LP shipped to Texas or Arizona. 
Looking 4 a high quality phono line stage $5k-$8k
The original VK-P10 is single-ended in the first gain stage(even when using XLR phono inputs.) The later VK-P10SE is fully balanced from input to output.In this price range I second the recommendation of a used Atma MP-1. If you can live without a... 
Sony SCD-777es as transport?
I recently spent some time modifying a 777ES serving just as a tranport. The transport section obtained major gains in performance, but you're looking at around $1K in parts & labor to get up there. 
budget component in high-end system?
Doug, you make several good points, most intriguingly that replacing a menagerie of cables from various manufacturers with uniform cabling from one manufacturer, may be a prerequisite for getting a sense of how cables influence a system. As I have... 
TVC preamps: good or bad?
Are you using the Bent TAP with your Merlin BBAM upstream or downstream of TVC? If you're having good results, I assume that the BBAM must be upstream. The BBAM's 47K input impedance and capacitive load reportedly don't mate very well with a passive.