
Responses from dfel

Phono rig capacitance
Lewm, can you please give a link. I have looked on Jensen and not seen these specs. Thanks. 
Phono rig capacitance
I tweaked the model, after reading another paper on tranmission lines etc.. I found a model that made sense and demonstrated the correct db gain and presented a familiar looking bode plot. I think this lumped model may be correct, or at least "bet... 
Phono rig capacitance
Hi, According to this link the: "...Remember,the inductance is proportional to thesquare of the turns ratio. In the ex ample above, a turns ratio of 1:3 gives a 1:9 inductance ratio..."they they proceed to use 100uH : 900 uH. I have not even got t... 
Phono rig capacitance
Typo: Under item "4) ...place the RCL for the wire connectors.." I do not mean wire connectors, I mean wires or interconnects. 
Phono rig capacitance
Thanks Almarg, for you insight. as to the items: 1) In the K statement I have modeled it as a perfect SUT, this can be seen the by the 1 in the " K L2 L4 1". I can use numbers of less than one to make up for losses due to the SUT, like .6 .7 .9 et... 
Phono rig capacitance
agreed John. Once the model is set. However once it is set is easy to simulate with software which is a more flexible and visual way of observing the data. The thing is, the basic model is not complete. Have you looked at the links above to see ho... 
Phono rig capacitance
Link was not working lets try again: http://s27.postimg.org/aage8hg2r/Attempt_at_Circuit_Model.pnghttp://postimg.org/image/6e32chv33http://postimg.org/image/6e32chv33/fullHopefully one of those links works. 
Phono rig capacitance
Hi guys, I have been having a lot of trouble modeling this correctly with the SUT in the mix. I am sure I am making some silly mistakes but I can't find them. Here is a link to the image of the simulation + circuit model. I tried to follow the mod... 
Benz micro glider vs dynavector 20X2
I tried the Low output version of the 20X2. It was in my system for about 3 days before going up for sale. I did not find this to be a neutral cartridge and did not appreciate the dynavector "house sound" at all, I also found that it had trouble r... 
Phono rig capacitance
I can say I only partly understand, I will have to learn a little more to fully wrap my head around how it works. However, for now: I tried modeling the transformer, not sure why I am running into problems here. I will try to post the image later ... 
Phono rig capacitance
Jcarr, Maybe I am off here but on the primary side/ what the cartridge sees: Do you not divide by turns ratio square i.e/ 10^2 or 100 in my example. So: 47K becomes 470 Ohms 100 pf SUT to Preamp becomes 1 Pf ??I would have thought that this implie... 
Phono rig capacitance
Wait a Minute I had a dull moment let us redo this:Too bad there are no edits, now the mistakes look silly forever. Assumptions/Signal ChainCart[x uh,30Ohms , wire(100pf,2uh,1 Ohm)->SUT->(Same wire)->Preamp(47K) Cart sees everything on it... 
Phono rig capacitance
Just realized your user is set to, Private and I cannot PM you. 
Phono rig capacitance
Jcarr, Please email the white paper, you reference in the thread I am exceedingly interested in reading it!!!! Thanks. I will PM you. 
Phono rig capacitance
Al, thanks for pointing out those details. You are right. I had not looked at the too little side. On the correlation I would hope so, it would make things easier but there in solid convention for quotation that would make it easy to figure out, b...