
Responses from devilboy

Interconnects and non-believers
@uberwaltz, wow that's impressive. With all due respect, what the hell are you doing on audiogon? This site is for people who care more about evaluation then pleasure. 
Interconnects and non-believers
@amg56, I never, ever said in any of my many posts about this subject, that a change in cabling does not affect sound. In fact, that was the basis of every single post I’ve written about this subject. A change in cable DOES affect sound. My argume... 
Interconnects and non-believers
A question to all......If u had to put a percentage on it, and please be honest, while you're listening to music, what percentage of your listening session do you critique the music (pointing out flaws: there's too much of this, there's not enough... 
Interconnects and non-believers
Not sure what we're talking about here anymore but let's get back on topic...Like I said before, there is not  boutique cabling inside your components.Also, inside your amplifier there is a cable that goes to its binding posts. In your speaker, th... 
Interconnects and non-believers
Is there boutique cabling inside your components?No. 
Interconnects and non-believers
Yes geoffkait, silly me for suggesting common sense.For over 20 years I've been buying and selling equipment. Building Systems over, and over, and over. The lunacy of the high-end supported by the claims on forums like this, is what finally made m... 
Interconnects and non-believers
Frankly, it doesn't matter if it's $2,000 or $200.  I was just using a number to make a point. 
Interconnects and non-believers
Components do not have $2,000 cabling inside. Adding a $2,000 piece of wire between components is obviously altering the signal in a way which gives the perception of more air, wider soundstage, etc. Some cables do so in different ways  from other... 
Interconnects and non-believers
When cables "sound" different it's because they are doing something to the signal. They are altering the signal to give you the perceived illusion of a wider soundstage. They don't "get out of the way of the music" as so many audiophiles claim. Th... 
My Home Speakers, My Car, and Me...The Ballad of What's Going Wrong?
Headphones.Problem solved. 
Question for cable/wire naysayers.....
Different speaker cables, for example, sound differently from one another because each ALTERS the signal giving you the illusion of more air, deeper soundstage, more bass, etc.If you truly want to hear what your amplifier sounds like, the most log... 
Upgrading Turntable suggestions
I have a Project RM 10.1 Evolution with a 50 hour old Soundsmith Zephyr mkii cartridge for sale for less than half your budget. Terra cones underneath, speed box speed controller, isolation base. All together, retail is $5,100. Didn’t get a chance... 
Best of the AMperex 6DJ8/6922 Tubes
I have one pair of Amperex 7308 Orange labels and one pair of Amperex 7308 white labels if anyone is interested. I purchased them from Brent Jesse new and I put approximately 50 hours on them in a Manley Chinook. I had to sell the Chinook for some... 
speaker wire recommendations needed
Dueland DCA16GA...Ridiculously cheap. 
What is your speaker ownership history since 1995?
To the OP: Sweet Jesus! Sounds like you have no clue as to what sound your looking for.You need serious audio 12 step help...and coming from me, that's pretty bad.