
Responses from detlof

Magnepan vs Quad
Sorry about that, LjGj, what was it, that she didn't like about it? Was it too big, too black? I think its a very good point to bring in and to consider, when hunting for a new speaker system. 
Jadis Defy 7 MkIV w/ KT 90's tweeks
Hi George, apart from that fact, that you are right about the punch of the Defy, come to think of it, I don't know how to spell "coxones" either. Perhaps some kind soul will enlighten us. But that is not he point of my post: What do you mean with ... 
Any Famous people on Audiogon ?
Oh, I'm truly famous amongst the local dealers and repairmen for ruining equipment, because I try everything but have got ten thumbs for fingers. I once even dropped a Threshold Stasis amp ( the original) from ten feet up on a stone floor. That ho... 
Granite Under Speakers Over A Wood Floor
Hey Elgordo, if they are bipolar, you must use lithium tablets, defenitely not prozak. Lithium is cheaper than prozak, but you must be careful not to overdose. If you do, the mids will sag. So you have to use a sound pressure meter on them every f... 
Jadis Defy 7 MkIV w/ KT 90's tweeks
OOps, Carey, I jsut realised this is an ancient thread! Should you stumble on it again, please let us know, how you solved the problem. Curious. 
Jadis Defy 7 MkIV w/ KT 90's tweeks
What Spectral preamp are you using ? I wonder-impedancewise-if Spectral/Defy is such a happy marriage, especially for the midrange, but then I may be wrong, I don't have the numbers available. I very much agree with 42659 about your Transparent in... 
Best 5K HiFi system for Cwlondon
Don't know about CW, but what you so aptly say, Cornfed, would surely happen to me. You put a huge smile on my face. Thanks! 
Magnepan vs Quad
Audiokinesis, to these here ears you are right on the money! You've put it much better than I did. Gmorris's subwoofer idea is also great, that goes for the Quads too, by the way. The 989 are indeed similar voiced to the 63s in the midrange, they ... 
Magnepan vs Quad
The Maggies have a wonderful coherence, but so have the Quads, they present a wonderful soundstage, but so do the Quads. The Maggies play a touch louder, they also seem to me a little more power hungry than the Quads. The Quads I think, dissolve c... 
Blind Listening Tests?
George, shall I get some more, to make you feel even better? Glad to and thanks! 
Help Preamp Hum
Go to and inform yourself about their powerplants. The 300 model would probably do for you. It will build up your necessary AC from scratch, so that you have good clean power. You can then fiddle with the voltage from 100 to 120 an... 
State of the Art? I don t care anymore.
CWE, congrats, again an excellent thread! I think it was about 15 years ago. I was on a long trip by car, driving down the autostrada del sole in Italy, when fiddling with my car radio, I just hit upon the beginning of the second movement of Schub... 
Who R U?
Very good thread and a great idea: Well, I'm 67 now, a shrink by profession and I live in the heart of the old continent. English is not my native language. I come from a musical "Jekke" family and I have been involved with music, actively and pas... 
Blind Listening Tests?
Just got four minuses more for my second last post. Someone must have taken it personally. Good! 
Blind Listening Tests?
Jostler, we are of the same school here. The other day though, I changed cables between my cd player,the Purcell upsampler and the DAC, not really expecting anything in particular, perhaps a slightly better definition and coherence and to my surpr...