
Responses from desktopguy

Mytek slams Hypex in Stereophile Amp Review
Class D amps remain controversial in high-end circles. I did a lot of reading about them before finally buying one (a used Wyred4Sound ST-500 built around an ICEPower core) to use w/my ATC SCM12 Pros. I was struck by how balkanized much of the com... 
Dearly departed Music Reference RM9
Just seeing this (by now 15 month-old) thread. I hope someone will see this reply.I actually own 2 RM9s (the original model). I got them used (perfect condition) in late '80s. Used 1 for 3 years; never actually used the other. Both have EL34s; 1 a... 
My experience after lost of 20k$
OP's post is difficult to respond to--he/she gives no idea what was tried, what failed, what sorta/kinda worked. What was the gear? What types of files? As another poster here put it, my experience w/PC Audio was radically different from OP's. For... 
Class D Audio
Tom was unfortunately influenced by his cousin, Tom-Tom, who had CTE from being struck repeatedly.Back to reality: I did a LOT of research on class D amps (not just features, but how they are said to sound) to use with high-quality studio monitors... 
Value of burn/break in?
I have found 3 levels/processes of burn-in that operate in audio systems. Each is real (judging by subtle but perceptible sonic results) and has its own time requirements:1 - New electronics:: Solid state electronics as well as individual tubes be... 
Speakers for aging audiophiles - What's with today bass emphasis ?
My desktop audio system is located in a bedroom/converted to home office (13 X 13), and by necessity the speakers/monitors are located w/in 10" of the front wall, similar to your situation.I've tried 3 powered monitors here. The 1st was sealed but... 
"Bookshelf" speakers designed to be placed near the wall behind them?
I did a lot of research on this very issue--because my desktop space is limited & my monitors/speakers end up w/in ~8" of front wall of the room w/big picture window.Found 2 designs that should work:-- ATC SCM19 Professional monitors: this sea... 
Used Korean Speakers
After listening to these petite speakers:you'll laughyou'll crythen you'll be blown to tiny pieces by anti-aircraft guns 
Thoughts on the most difficult instruments for speakers to reproduce?
The obvious/tried-and-tested options are all mentioned above (ie, piano; massed strings; muted trumpet). But another instrument that tests speakers/entire system in a very different way is the vibraphone ("vibes"). This is primarily played in acou... 
NOS DAC Warmth
Yes, all NOS DACs are R2R ("multibit") designs. They are multibits that are non-oversampling.There are also a great many multibit DACs that are non NOS.I own one of each: Audio GD NOS 19, the non-oversampling variant of this standalone multibit DA... 
speakers with balls
I'm running a pair of ATMs (SCM12 Pro) on my desktop--and I'm immensely impressed by these big 2-ways. They eat power for breakfast (powering them w/Wyred4Sound ST500 amp @255WPC). They can get so much louder than I would be able to tolerate in th... 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
30+ yrs ago I had a major love affair with tubes in my big living room system: 2 X RM9 tube amps; each w/a pentode/triode switch at base of each of the 8 tubes (EL34 or KT-88). Had a big SS amp on the subs, tubes on everything else...+ a VTL "Ulti... 
Oyaide Cables
My only experience w/Oyaide cables has been truly excellent: I was using a Billy Jeans digital/coax cable for some time to connect the output of my S/PDIF converter (Musical Fidelity V-Link 192/24) to DAC (Audio GD NOS 19). I was happy with that, ... 
Why so few speakers with Passive Radiators?
As I look back on various speakers I've had over the years, the very best sound, particularly in lower registers, came from sealed designs. This was true with big living room speaker systems; and it's true in the last 2-3 powered monitor set-ups o... 
Vandersteen 4
Just seeing this fascinating string, years after the last post. For some reason I thought I was the only one who knew about the Vandersteen 4's...apparently not.I bought a used pair of 4s in 1987 or so. They were $3K used at that time (arrived on ...