
Responses from denjo

Anyone tried Auditorium 23 speaker cables ?
Notec - about 9 feet each side, single run. 
Anyone switich to all Signal Cable wired system?
I am using Signal Cable's Analog 2 (thrown in as a freebie when I bought a secondhand SB3) and must say I am impressed with its honest portrayal of music. It is neutral sounding and has no obvious flaws that I can find. In fact, it is better sound... 
Anyone tried Auditorium 23 speaker cables ?
Please refer to my earlier post above: I wish to retract my statement that the Auditorium 23 speakers sounded uninvolving with SS and had flabby bass. I had a new power cord in my system then which took ages to burn-in! And when it did, the Audito... 
Anyone tried Auditorium 23 speaker cables ?
The Auditorium 23 speaker cables sounded very musical with my tube system (Leben CS-600). But, when I paired them with my solid state YBA Integre DT, the bass was flabby and the music simply lacked involvement. Although one would need to conduct m... 
Leben CS600 with Anthony Gallo's 3.1 ?
The Leben CS600 is fabulous for classical! I don't listen much to rock so no comments. The Leben does not sound like your typical tube amplifier - slow, bloated bass. I have gone on a merry-go-round swap of numerous amplifiers, from solid state to... 
All time favorite speaker cables
I am also using the Auditorium 23 speaker cables and am very pleased with them! They are very natural sounding. Timbral accuracy is excellent. Allows for fatigue-free listening! 
Anyone recommend a neutral tube amp?
A thing of the past? And why not? When you listen to the Leben, you wonder what new technology has added to realistic sound? Turntables are old technology! Yet, look at the resurgence. I own the Leben CS600 paired with Rogers LS3/5a (15 ohm) and I... 
A 9 watts SET for the Maggies, Heavenly marriage
I have owned the AudioNote Meishu 300B integrated but it was a real pain having to service it every now and again - transformers failing, it even went up in smoke one time! Yes, its got a very sweet midrange but unless you are prepared to spend ti... 
Presenting some Harbeth SHL5 in room measurements
LarryHow are the Harbeths with class D digital amps? Over at the Harbeth forum, Alan tried the Harbeths with class D amps but was unimpressed with the sound. I am not saying that all class D amps would not synergise with Harbeths, just that some m... 
Signal vs. Audio Art vs. Speltz Anti? Need help...
I have been using Belden 9913F7 (coaxial design) to good effect! 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Teejay, interestingly I did the same and swapped the Bent TAP for my active preamp (highly modified). After about an hour or two, I found that the active pre was just unlistenable. The active pre sounded better I thought with my CIAudio D*200 mono... 
Whose got best class D at this point?
Sanders ESL amplifier. Not class D but unique voltage amplifier. My D*200s packed up after 1 year, very disappointed! decided to give the Sanders a try while the D*200s were being repaired. Don't get me wrong, the D*200s were wonderful amps, but t... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Recently auditioned Sanders ESL amplifier ( and am very impressed! Interestingly, the Sanders amp is rated 26 dB gain, which is the same as my CIAudio D*200 Monos, but with the Sanders my volume on the TAP is much less ... 
How would you rate these 2 Channel amps
I would like to chime in and second Cmk's recommendation of the Sanders ESL amplifier. When my CIAudio D*200s broke down 16 days into its 1st anniversary, I was crestfallen but an audio friend (thanks Alex!) highly recommended I hear these amps. M... 
Review: Bent Audio Tap Linestage
Thanks guys! Glad to know i'm not the only one pushing my Bent TAP close to its maximum! Teajay: Like you, most of my listening is of the SB3 and FM tuner. So, most times it presents no problems. Out of curiosity, what senstivity are your speakers...