
Responses from ddafoe

Move on from my Bryston BDA-1?
I had the BDA-1 and then BDA-2 about 6 years ago; I ended up selling the BDA-2 for the  Alpha DAC Series 2 then SimAudio 380DSD which I kept for 5 years or so.   I really liked the BDA-2 though for the money and thought it was a nice step up from... 
Moon audio 740 p linestage
I've owned one for ~ 5 years or so and am very happy with it.  At the time I was trying various preamps to mate with my Magico S1s and Pass X250.8.   I tried various brands of preamps and a few DACs direct to the Pass and was still searching when ... 
Spendor D9.2 vs. Harbeth super hl5 plus xd + REL Stentor III vs. Spendor Classic 100?
I heard the SLH5 in a very different space/system, and found it a little bright. Quite unlike the 40.2's that I ended up with ... Some people manage to put 40.2's in remarkably small spaces. If you have a full meter behind from the back of the... 
Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else
After doing many tests, I find that the XA30.8 sounds very very sweet but actually too much. I find it to be a loosely defined amp, somewhat muddy and lacks a lot of air and grip. The soundstage is very closed. @opm, a few years back I tried to... 
LAMM M1.2 - Feedback - Advice - Please - anyone heard these?
@fsmithjack, instead of trying to get the perfect tube/ss match between preamp and amp, have you considered trying a different DAC?   It might be easier to tweak your source such that you can be happy with a cheaper or more readily available pre/a... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@dsper, I did exactly as you suggested last year; sold my Bricasti M3 and tried the ASR darlings RME ADI2 FS and Topping D90.  I don't have anything bad to say about either of them; for the money I would recommend either.  The RME was my favorit... 
Spendor D9.2 vs Proac D48r
I have D9s in a ~12x17 well-damped room with no bass issues, so I think you could make it work fine depending on what else you have in your room.   Their Linear-Flow port tech works really well; they produce deep bass with lots of punch.    I use ... 
Uptone EtherRegen
If you don't want to add an extra device to the signal chain, another option is to simply replace an existing Ethernet switch with one that has an SFP slot; that is how I added fiber to my home network.  This relatively cheap switch has worked gre... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
@mitch2, can you explain the differences you hear between the V3's SPDIF and USB interface?   I've been using SPDIF (with a Shunyata Anaconda ZTRON cable) for years, and the Mystique V3 is the first DAC I've tried with USB.    I actually prefer ... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
Maybe the differences I hear between my Pi/Digi+ SPDIF and M5 are related to the quality of the power supply used in the M5 vs the iFi switching power supply I use with the Pi; I don't know...   Using a Pi with the Allo DigiOne Signature SPDIF boa... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
@yyzsantabarbara, I introduced fiber into my streaming solution a few weeks back.   I skipped on using the Optical Rendu as I didn't want to limit my DAC input to USB.   My NAS and Roon server (Intel NUC running ROCK) are two stories away from m... 
Point of higher priced streamer?
Yes, It’s called expectation bias. The same phenomenon that largely drives the high end cable market. That and listeners neglecting to level-match when conducting comparisons. That's is an extremely wide brush to use to simply dismiss differenc... 
Uptone EtherRegen
I've got maybe ~70hrs on my Regen and overall I'm happy with it and call the purchase a success.   For me it has been incremental changes which all add up to make a nice improvement.   The flexibility it allows in setting things up is a big bonus ... 
Music streamers
Hi  @fsmithjack, just curious if you have tried running fiber into the EtherREGEN instead of adding another box after the EtherREGEN to do a copper-fiber-copper conversion?   That way the EtherREGEN fiber-copper conversion is the last thing being ... 
DAC Choices - $5,000 to $7,000
With my Pi (running Roon) based SPDIF streamer, I definitely preferred the Mystique over the M3 in my system.    Adding the M5 to the Mystique using the same SPDIF cable (Shunyata Anaconda ZTRON) brought it to a whole another level; I'm now kickin...