
Responses from dcizmok

Quantum QRT QX4
KennyBI know you are eager to see one of these on the inside like everyone is. As for pics I am not sure there is a place I could post them to? As for the star ground, you should do your homework and read their website. Its the first thing they e... 
Quantum QRT QX4
JafantWell being at a demo its always difficult to judge whats happening. I knew a dealer that had a room setup with some pretty high end gear. We would use it as a reference to test cables and other gear brought in. Hearing it many times I knew w... 
Quantum QRT QX4
Tom6897I think you are doing fine with the Shunyata stuff and should stick with it. I have nothing but Shunyata in all areas of their products line. The Thor is one unit I heard as well and thought it was a bit high priced for what it did. Its an ... 
Quantum QRT QX4
GloryI paid $2400 for it a year ago. Dont get me wrong, it does improve the spatial imaging, but not as good as the Symphony pro did. I could place it anywhere in the room and the effects were always apparent. Not so so with the QX4. Nordost claim... 
Quantum QRT QX4
AgearI am not new to high end audio, have had many different components through out the years but never have I seen this level of shameless greed. They have reached top of the class with this product. I cant say much better for QB4 as seeing the i... 
Sidssp I would be using a pair of these amps . You do not think 110 - 120 watts a side is enough ?