Responses from dbcooper
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth? ,,,,I remember Clint Eastwood,,,,Thuchan did you rough anyone up for a better price? | |
Continuum Caliburn - really the best TT on earth? Mr.Sintax that is so true :)The topic here is of interest of a interesting turntable concept. All though my memory of listening to this table a few years ago was not so memorable. By the sounds of things they got the gremlins out of it or just bad... | |
Vinyl reissues Hi, Of course there are no short anwsers and speaking for myself I would simply not buy them. | |
Vinyl reissues Hi,It is true a well recorded original usually will sound alive more so then the dead sounding efforts behind many of these reissues of today.To add to this decline in quality the vinyl itself seams flawed. Materials ,process, lack of knowledge? H... | |
Ortofon MC A90 cartridge Hi,This Ortofon A90 is a beautiful cartridge and perhaps the best so far that I have experienced. I don't own one, a long time audio dealer friend of mine likes it very much so.Pardon me this is off the main topic. Downunder I have fond memories o... |