
Responses from davidhe19audio

Seeking Suggestions on Preamp Upgrade (CJ, Aesthetix, EAR)
Stewart0722, thank you for the warning.  I did notice there were some complaints about noise pop up here and there.  Most of them I noticed were about 10 years ago when the Aesthetix came up.  I don't know if it is still the case today.  When did ... 
Advice on a preamp
Limniscate, does your Aesthetix has noise issue.  From time to time, I heard people talking about importance of tube matching, and the consequence off mismatch.  I am considering to get one. 
Advice on a preamp
Any one knows how much does it cost to upgrade from Calypso to Calypso Signature.  From what I read, Aesthetix provided such a service. 
Seeking Suggestions on Preamp Upgrade (CJ, Aesthetix, EAR)
Hi, tooblue:  Thank you for your response.  My list contained LAMM originally but I read through the on-line information and found there were some discussions relate to LAMM's QC issue, which prompted me to drop it from the list.  Likely you have ...