
Responses from davetheoilguy

Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
@oczed  Thank you.  I’m kind of doing the reverse search — finding the DAC that will match of with my Lumin U1x.  I have Tidal and everything all set there and don’t feel like reinventing my playlists outside of the Lumin software. i wonder if t... 
Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
I currently have a neglected digital side.  I have a Lumin U1X streamer I like very much and (I think) is pretty comparable to other streamers.  I use the DAC on my Esoteric K-03XD (a really nice TEAC transport).  The DAC is nice, equal to most al... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
@passthedutchie  No, I can’t say I’ve had that experience on the website before and use it extensively.  Nor would that be consistent with how the typical software works.  It’s possible, if the website is set up such that text is intentionally no... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
@passthedutchie  A defective search is unlikely, as it is simply a widget of Google search you put into the website.  It can happen, though.  So you could be correct. What is more common is someone tells the webmaster to have the search to disre... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
Has anyone parsed the Stereophile review of the Tekton Be Moabs? It's interestingly hard to find on the Stereophile website.  If you search for it, the review doesn't come up.  If you look on the "B" listing of equipment -- aside from noticing th... 
ifi LAN iSilencer
@erik_squires  That's an interesting idea.  I talked with my wife about what they do -- they have two things going on.  First, is patient safety to interrupt a surge because the patient is strapped to a machine that, in turn, is tied to the LAN.... 
ifi LAN iSilencer
Yep, at Walmart:   2X RJ45 Plug Ethernet Network Surge Protector Arrester 100MHz   Two for $14.   Get now before the search terms are tinkered with!    
ifi LAN iSilencer
@vinylvalet  Interestingly, the search results are all different now under that key phrase. You can still search “Ethernet galvanic isolator” and get good results but “LAN galvanic Isolator”’ gets you to iFi products.  Their marketing guy is cle... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
Run REW (Room EQ Wizard) or the equivalent and find out what your room really does. You may be lucky and have a listening position that is accidentally perfect. My daughters bedroom is like that. All it needed was some bass absorption on the flo... 
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?
Think about it.  Power cords make a difference if: (1) they are too high gauge or have cheap insulating materials or are otherwise garbage; (2) you have a device that is spitting out interference that is picked up by the cord; or (3) the device... 
What the Best Dac have you heard or owned. How could you tell it was that good.
@calvinj  Please do keep us in the loop on your search.  My digital side is pretty much an over site on my system, mainly because the learning curve is steep.  I just use the DAC on my Esoteric K-03XD (a lovely CD transport, mechanically), and a ... 
Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"
@seamaster300m  "The website states military specs, I know the military is mainly using two types of wiring, silver plated copper and tin plated copper. Which one is it? Or something I am not aware of????" I know this is an ancient post, but "mi... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
@passthedutchie  The audio store near Preston Drive in Dallas, TX. I’ve got the card somewhere.  
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
I've only ever heard these in a showroom.  They were fine, but I don't have any particular strong emotion. Plus, I have B&W800D3s, so I'm not one to pick on the looks of speakers.  I know a lot of people hate their look.  And they do look sus... 
if you had this system, what would you do to make it sound the best you can
I’d start by watching videos on speaker placement  and room treatment. That’s free, and often can make a huge difference. Second, instead of casting about wildly, test your system and see what is going on. There is free room acoustic software ca...