Responses from daveteauk
Aggrivated tinnitus from speakers? @jay15206 That is a very interesting comment. Interesting as I too have Tinnitus which also manifests itself as a hissing, rather than a 'tone'. I also took Gabapentin for about a 9 Month period c10yrs ago, and although not sure, I do seem to reme... | |
Aggrivated tinnitus from speakers? @omegaman79 Neither I nor @evanpress were 'speaking' about YOUR grammar, but the appaling writing that exists, in general, by several regular, and some less regular, posters on here. I don't know how you get to hear an 18KHz tone through your PC/... | |
Aggrivated tinnitus from speakers? @evanpress Thank God someone else is noticing it! 'It' being the total lack of spelling, punctuation and,,, just writing a coherant sentence in general! Did some of you not go to school? Go back. It seems like many who post regularly on here are i... | |
magnepan @rodglaze I think you've been living in a box for >5 years! have you not read any of the comments, including mine, of the awful and attrocious 'service' they now (do not) provide? It's a joke. On us. As for them being 'smart people' - really? S... | |
magnepan @mahandave - Totally agree - their 'customer service', is absolutely atrocious, and I speak from personal, painful experience! I bought a pair of 1.7i's, and out of the box one of the panels was faulty, with buzzing/vibration at certain bass frequ... | |
ARC Ref 6 Tube Microphonics OP/geof3 - I use a Ref3 into a Threshold S300 II, which is fairly low gain, but I've never ever, even with my old amp which had much higher gain, heard any kind of 'chime'. I've even just 'thumped' on the top cover to cause some vibration, and, si... | |
Should I Sell My ARC REF 6 and Get A Pass Labs XP-32 @OP WOW - And there’s me thinking I had ’Valve (tube to you guys) Anxiety’! You’re worried about replacing them every 5→10 YEARS?!?!? I wish! Sounds like (no pun) you hardly ever switch you system on! I have a Ref 3, which I believe uses the same... | |
Ethernet connection for best sound quality Joes444, I read every post in this,,, discussion, and when I finally got to the end was about to just close the tab/page, when I read your last post! What a time waster I thought. All this BS when you're listening to music saved from streaming fr... | |
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile? @cleeds - Overall, I'd say this site functions satisfactorily and the standards on this site are just fine. Yes, there are always a a few who abuse this free site, but they usually don't last long. If you have issues with the site's functions or s... | |
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile? @jetter Your guess is correct. I have never bought or sold on here, as it seems like a mainly USA based forum, which is no use for me to buy/sell as I'm in the UK. The reason why the mods should be motivated is becausde there's a LOT of confusi... | |
Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile? I read as far as Toddsyr's instructions. Then followed the instructions. The reason, and the only reason I haven't done it before, is that AG make it ridiculously difficult to find the place to do it! Before looking at toddsyr's post, I went to t... | |
Replacement Tubes It seems the OP has not looked very far! 6550's are available, and in stock at many places. I can't reccomend VivaTubes highly enough. I ordered a matched set of 4 6H30Pi and they arrived at my door in just 5 days, and I'm in the UK! 6550's are a... | |
Why is solid state more popular when tubes are better? emergingsoul - this is just Trolling, plain and simple. The thread is just to elicit arguments and responses, and see your name in 'print'. Grow up. No-one in their right mind could possibly believe the garbage you're coming out with. Tubes produ... | |
Class D ICEpower 1200as2 vs. Purifi 1ET7040SA amplifiers I have a pair of ESLabs DX-S4 which I've been happily using for over 5 years, although one is broken due to a mouse pissing on the board when I had the top off! I'm using one in stereo mode to drive my Maggie 1.7i's, and it sounds really good. I'v... | |
Do you find yourself turning down the bass on Coldplay albums? How'bout - Turn them OFF! Awful drivel IMO. |