

Responses from davehrab

Vibraplane: Should it be loaded close to limit?
4est is correct ... simply place your 30 lbs TT on top of V/P ... pump up bladders and then bleed them individually until the top of the Top Plate on the V/P is 3 and three quarters inches (3.375”) from the top of the shelf that the V/P is sitting... 
S/N ratio vs. dishes and stupid cats.
Theo The other problem is nieghborhood barking dogs. Why would anyone want a creature that leaves crap everywhereLook on the bright side ... those dogs have created more "Shovel Ready Jobs" than Obama ever did 
Higher-Fi has full page ad in dupont registry
Who says money can't buy you happiness ... did you ever see anyone on a waverunner with a frown on 
Melos SHA-gold photentiometer replacement DIY
The volume pot in that Melos SHA may be special ... it is light coupled or a LDR ... notice the "phot" in Photeniometer meaning light Some feel that these light coupled volume controls are better sounding than resister based controls and most like... 
help me to understand the gain
Your DNA1 has an input sensitivity of 1.2 volts .. which means a 1.2 volt signal will drive the amp to it's rated output (150 WTs)The PL3's output voltage is 5 volts as measured in a Stereophile review and way to much output for the DNA1's input s... 
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers?
Stan .. appreciate you coming back and offering support to my theory on sunnyjim's problem Initially I know s/j was a bit reluctant to accept what I put forward vs the Industry but ... with your post and support I'm sure he feels much better now a... 
How to place speakers at the optimum height
Your nose is on the same plane/level as your ears ... use your nose as a guide ... it's easier to see than your ears DISCLOSER .. I am not telling you where to put your nose only to use it as a guide or reference point relative to tweeter 
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers?
My walls are "not barking" at me yet as Davehrab noted about his back wall, but the shouting has not stoppedConsuming large amounts of Gin and Corn Chips at mid day lead to colorful metaphors ... Shouting is the correct word and symptom ... also s... 
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers?
nonoise ... my post comes from direct experience of having a very well treated room with a good response curve but the same annoying shouty-ness and congestion that Sunnyjim is complaining of I swore it was the far wall barking at me and then I re... 
Can room acoustics amplify the sound of speakers?
I've chased and solved the very same problem in my own system and it wasn't the room acoustics ... see if this is similarYou system sounds wonderful 99.5% of the time ...it does everything right from sound staging to top to bottom coherency ... no... 
Will a good power cable replace the need for a PC?
The first step to problem solution is problem IdentificationHere are 10 common conditions that can effect your power delivery and skew the sound of your system By applying the right type of filter application for the electrical anomalies you can c... 
Velodyne DD Plus: New King of the Jungle?
DD15 Velo. vs JL Audio and Earthquake subs Could the difference in perception between the Velodyne and the JL and Earthquake subs as Audiofreakgeek mention be that .... The Velodyne is a servo controlled Sub which tend to play a bit softer and The... 
Sound diffusion panels--do they reduce brightness?
Here is something you can try to determined if you have an equipment issue or the brightness is being generated by the room Warm your system up and give a quick listen to one of your reference CDs that you are very familiar with at your regular li... 
Sound diffusion panels--do they reduce brightness?
Adding absorptions and diffusion at the first reflection points will help reduce image smearing, better anchor images, increase sound stage, and detail ... but do little to reduce the brightness The cause of the brightness is ... Long RT60 (decay/... 
Best of in new york
White Castle RULES ... there is no status in over paying (;-)