
Responses from dave_72

Bryston 7B Vs. Krell KAV250a
Bryston...but get the latest 7BSST2 
Amp recommendations for Tannoy Canterbury SE
Canterburys sound good with both solid state and tubes, imo. I wonder how a bi-amp configuration would sounds with tubes on the midrange/tweeter, and solid state for the bass. 
B&W 801 questions
Too bad B&W discontinued the 801D. That's an excellent speaker. I rarely see it used here. 
Las Vegas
Sorry to hear this, Lunna. My sympathies. I would scour the pawn shops and thrift stores. Do you have photos of the stolen equipment and the serial numbers? 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
I understand that. I was referring to the used market. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Ok, thanks again guys. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Ok, cool. I'll check those out. Would you say better than Pass Labs? 
Speakers for Bryston
I have a 4BSST Bryston...I find it to be an essentially neutral amp. It definitely is not warm sounding. And the treble is a touch high energy. But I like a lot of detail and life in the upper octaves. That is my personal taste. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Ok, cool. Siltech is indeed top notch. And new or old Krell?Not into tubes, sorry. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
No, I haven't found a pair of 801Ds. There's some 802Ds here and on Ebay, but I'm a little short at the moment. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Ok, cool. Thanks for the info. Much appreciated. Sounds like a great setup. Yes, you've helped. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Thanks, Mr_m for sharing your experience. I have no problem with distance from the side walls...the back wall distance gets a little problematic, but I plan on getting some Sonex for that.What are your components and cables? 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Thanks! Much appreciated! 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Cool, thanks for the info. Congrats on the 800 Diamonds. That's one Hell of a speaker. 
B&W 801D or 802Ds
Good point. Perhaps I should lean towards the 802Ds.