
Responses from darkmoebius

Pls recommend a tupe pre under 2500 for my system.
A room is the biggest speaker/piece of audio equipment you will ever own! 
David Berning Quadrature Z or Vitus SS-101
From the pictures of your speakers, it looks like your room carpet on cement slab, is this true? Or, is your floor suspended wood? 
What is your favorite 1 hit wonder from the 70's?
"Hocus Pocus" by Focus. Still a ripping song 
Speakers free of grain, glare and steel?
Jean Marie Reynaud speakers. Easily the most musical and engaging speakers I have come across. Add to that, they are incredibly easy to place for great sound 
David Berning Quadrature Z or Vitus SS-101
Nothing a few coasters under your chair or couch legs won't cure...;o)My speakers use 106dB Fostex T900A. Overall, positioning of the double-horn speakers and dual subs was an arduous task that I am in no hurry to repeat. The manufacturer, the lat... 
David Berning Quadrature Z or Vitus SS-101
in my room, even with ample low frequency acoustical treatments, it borders on "wooly"...the berning, with its ability to control the amount of feedback/dampening, allows to couple the woofer without over or undershooting the woofers. you can real... 
David Berning Quadrature Z or Vitus SS-101
06-21-11: Davidhymandarkmoebius, source is lyra titan I, spiral groove centroid arm, spiral groove table, lyra erodian step up transformer into air tight ate-2 phono/pre...speakers are loiminchay kandinsky w/ TAD compression drivers. Truly, truly,... 
David Berning Quadrature Z or Vitus SS-101
06-20-11: Rtn1I heard the Berning in another system. I thought it became congested during large orchestral passages. It also made too much background noise. What were the speakers being driven? And what was the preamplifier? 
MiniMonitor 33lbs w/realistic vocals,not bright.
Jean Marie Reynaud Bliss or Bliss Silver. All of JMR's speakers are known for their silky smoothness and delicate highs. They have all the detail one could want, but not in a forward or aggressive way. They excel with tubes. StereoTimes review. Ch... 
Pls recommend a tupe pre under 2500 for my system.
Joule Electra LA-100 or LA-150 would probably do the trick, if they can be found for $2,500 
Neutral to Lean Power Cord for tube preamp
I'd think using a different type of 6SN7 tube would be a far better way of addressing bass emphasis than AC cords. 
Pls recommend a tupe pre under 2500 for my system.
Would anyone characterize modern ARC preamps using the 6H30 tube as "warm" in the traditional sense? I'm a little on the fence about that one.Of the ones mentioned, I'd say Cary is closest to the warm, lush, type of sound. But, that is really my i... 
Pls recommend a tupe pre under 2500 for my system.
Instead of specific models, here are some companies that produce excellent sounding, and extremely well made tube (pre)amplifiers. Find a used one made by them within your price range and really cannot go wrong.Art Audio - dm-vpsBAT - VK-31Cary - ... 
Tenor 75 Wi OTL
06-10-11: AtmasphereHe can run them all day in his room and not be any hotter, even though his home is not air conditioned and he lives in Guatemala! Sorry, I should have been more specific...I was referring to running 6 to 12 6C33C-B's per amp. T... 
Tenor 75 Wi OTL
I had a stereo 6C33C-B SET integrated, Almarro A318B, and that thing was hot. 6-12 tubes must be like a furnace running.But, I bet the sound is glorious. Oh, the things we endure for this hobby....