
Responses from dannad

Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
Any retailer of course free to do anything they want within the limits of legality. I have to question a retailer who throws away one of the few things remaining compared to online though. This website and others like it are case studies in word o... 
Charging A Fee To Demo An Amplifier In A Brick & Mortar Store
Geek!   And I say that in the most respectful, Star-Trekky sort of way.  First rule of acquisition, "Once you get their money, you never give it back". 
Is there measurement that correlates with cohesive/pinpoint imaging?
The problem with attempting to use head transfer functions at the recording level is it requires near perfect playback setup (specific to the recording unless you are using headphones), and not something readily or even achievable in most people's... 
Help me understand "the swarm" in the broader audiophile world
Good bass is hard, really hard in most rooms. Bass arrays simple make good bass easier. There should be special emphasis on good. They do not magically create great bass, but then it is the rare audiophile with great bass.There are two types of pe... 
Is there measurement that correlates with cohesive/pinpoint imaging?
Single drivers do not really image coherently. IM distortion from moving at largely different frequencies ruins perceived cohesiveness, not to mention different parts of the speaker behaving different at different frequencies.Imaging in most recor... 
More money toward better speakers or a better DAC?
If you are going to tell someone else they lack experience and are only capable of "reading" it is probably best not to follow that up by quoting someone else and using none of your own words to attempt to prove a point. Even worse, is quoting so...