
Responses from daimbert

Which integrated to pick...
Thanks for the reply....Here's my questions though. Although I was leaning toward the AR complete, my only concern is whether or not the 90wpc (4 ohms) is enough to drive them well. Here are the specs of the speakers.88-89dB/2.83Volts @ 1 meter, -... 
Need to downgrade any advice??
Well I have the onix sp3 tube amp which although sounds great does take more room than usual and has a bit more maintenance than other amps I have gotten. I want to get at least 1000 to 1500 from downgrading if possible. You think it's possible? 
Going back to Solid state what should I get.
Well this is the specs of my Europas.a 6" two-way, ported, 4 Ohms load. That is its impedance curve above. 88-89dB/2.83Volts @ 1 meter, -3dB at 49Hz, +/- 1dB from 55Hz to 21kHz. 15W to 120W into 8 Ohm amplifiers. Expect to use 24" to 28" tall spea... 
Speaker reco for vintage 35w amp in small room?
The Gallos a great choice. I own the green mountain Europas and I love them. I am sure any of their products would be worth it. Also check out Castle Harlech speakers. I listen to these on a recommendation from a fellow audiogoner Jaybo and their ... 
Speakers small enough for desktop use
I would buy an active speaker (self-amplified). I love genelec speakers and use them as a computer speaker. 
help me build a system for $1200
Well I think you should keep your SB3 and just upgrade the digital out later on which combine with a decent DAC would sound alot better the Cambridge. As for integrated combo you cannot go wrong with the Onix sp3. I have it paired with GMA Europas... 
PC/Squeezebox v Mac Mini
I have the squeeze box and it is a great little device. There are other options like the olive musica is soemthing to look forward too especially if people start modding them like Redwine audio has started too. Aparently sound quality is better th... 
ExactAudioCopy ripping software
In short yes...you can use the Flac frontend to reconvert to WAV. 
Why don't they make a dedicated iPod just for...
To listen with headphones or stereo system? I know Redwine audio mods a Ipod called the Imod. Check it out www.redwineaudio.com 
speakers for low listening levels/tube amp
I second Songwriter on the Europa...extremly efficient and sounds just as good at low levels but still can rock when need be. Good Luck 
Good compact system?
Actually if you can find them Videologic digitheater is a great little 5.1 setup that easily outperforms most american brands. I had these for years before I decided to upgrade to a dedicated 2-channel set-up. Good luck. 
Speaker Recommendation Needed
Actually theres a pair of Castle Harlech for sale. Their great speakers almost brought. Was suggested by a friend here. Maybe it could fill the bill? 
Speaker Recommendation Needed
I strongly consider a pair of GMA Europas which sell for 5-600. They honestly sound very very good for the price and leaves you enough money to get good stands anc cables. They were a obvious step up from my Totem Rainmakers. 
Late Night Listening When Wife Wants Music OFF
I would secound Swampwalker with the ear canal type headphones. They work great and sound fantastic. Couple sites to look at are Headphone.com and Headfi.org. Headphone sells package deals and overall are great to work with. On headfi.com you will... 
buying new/used vinyl in NYC?
There are quite a few places at Saint Marks in lower downtown. If you want to sleap there is a great place in City Island in the Bronx. I need to get the exact name but I'll email you as soon as I find it. This guy only speciales in Vinyl and has ...