
Responses from daber_audio

Active Vs. Passive
Thanks for the responses, guys. To clarify, I'm very familiar with active speakers, but for some odd reason, you just don't hear a whole lot of chatter about them. I was mostly just looking to read the opinions of others who have experienced them.... 
Anyone heard the new Daber Audio Monitor 3?
Thank you for the compliments, and sharing your honest opinions! I really appreciate it. 
Custom sized speaker stand recommendations.
Thank you for the kind words, Glen! 
Anyone heard the new Daber Audio Monitor 3?
They share the same tweeter as the Bulldogs, but nothing else really, other than being a three way design. Every review I've read of the Bulldogs really liked the tweeter. What are your thoughts, JKW1? 
Custom sized speaker stand recommendations.
Glen,I just saw this thread. How are those speakers working out for you? As a side note, I have decided to start making stands to go with the M3s. You will have to fill them with either shot or sand yourself, as they will be MDF based and I would ... 
Anyone heard the new Daber Audio Monitor 3?
Thanks for the feedback! 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
You can add Daber Audio to the mix. Our website doesn't include our Monitor 3's yet, and has some pretty lackluster photos of the Tympanist subwoofers. The Monitor 3's are not up on our website yet for two reasons: 1) my photographer became ill an... 
New Company-Daber Audio
Viridian, I dont have a current subscription or else I would read it. I looked at their website and couldnt find it on there. I'll try to locate a copy and read it to make sure im not making any major errors. 
New Company-Daber Audio
Thank you, Aktchi. I will need all of the luck i can get. It will be about 1 1/2-2 months before any full range is perfected enough to be commercially available, but i will certainly let you know. This should be a fun journey, and I am truly looki... 
New Company-Daber Audio
"Can you tell me more about your subwoofers? In what areas are you doing something different from the hundred other subwoofer manufacturers that makes yours stand out in performance and/or value?" I can tell you a little, but I dont want to let to... 
New Company-Daber Audio
I am aware of this, and it will certainly be a hurdle to overcome, however, as they say, "where there is a will, there is a way". I understand that it is not this simple, and it will take a lot of hardwork and dedication. I do look forward to the ... 
New Company-Daber Audio
Thanks for responding. This should be an interesting journey for sure! I got a kick out of your Q and A there, but my wife didnt think it was so hilarious! Luckily, I havent yet quite my day job, therefore if it doesnt succeed, then I do have some...