
Responses from cyounkman

Best small speaker
Agreed. The Quads are definitley worth a listen. They don't have the dynamics and extension (or ultimate transparency) of the DC's, but I believe they're a lot less money as well. They are beautiful to look at, and have the hallmark Quad neutralit... 
WADIA / dCS / AA Capitole - the ultimate CD ??? .
As per my post at Mike's system, he is right: As far as I've heard (and I've heard most of players mentioned here at one time or another), the EMM Labs is the most real- and compelling-sounding digital I've heard. 
Gamut CD-1 Please help me with PC choice
I'm currently using a Van den Hul MainsStream. It seems fine, but I haven't compared to anything else (other than stock) just yet. I will be ordering an Absolute Power Cord (much cheaper than the options you listed) from GTT AV in New Jersey soon.... 
Biggest Sound in the Littliest Box
Third for the De Capos... if you're looking for a small speaker with impressive bass response and that can handle a good deal of power. 300 Watts is overkill, obviously, (I'm assuming your Classes is 300 watts) but the De Capo can play loud and fu... 
high sensitivity speaker for low power tube amp
At your price point, I believe Reference 3A, who make the De Capos, offer a smaller speaker called the Dulcet. It is supposed to be similar in efficiency and musicality. 
Best small speaker
Actually, a parliamentary point of procedure to go with my last post:S23chang: Is your comment that De Capos wouldn't work with a 75 watt tube amp based on experience or intuition? Of course everyone's entitled to their opinion. But I find it dang... 
Best small speaker
I have to disagree with S23chang. The De Capo will work beautifully with your 75 w tube amp. Everyone repeat after me: "The-DeCapo-is-not-just-an-SET-speaker" Good!I run my De Capos with a 150-watt solid state amp. They play as loud, fast and deep... 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
A couple additional points and suggestions:I agree that the Atma-Sphere S-30 would be a great match, albeit with a power limitation.I agree that Bryston (in my experience) would be plenty powerful, but lack finesse and warmth. I have not really he... 
Amplifier match for MM de Capo i's
I am a huge fan of these speakers. (I own the non-'i' version.)The best choice for amplification depends on your listening preferences, as Terry alluded to, but also on your listening style. However, based on my experience, I don't think 5 watts w... 
WADIA / dCS / AA Capitole - the ultimate CD ??? .
Of course I'm just touting my own gear:Some would say that the GamuT CD-1 deserves to be considered on this list. I'm sure it would have a lower MFD factor than the Wadia, but it is remarkably musical, and doesn't make any sacrifices to the tube g... 
WADIA / dCS / AA Capitole - the ultimate CD ??? .
The definitive answer to your question from the people who Know is the EMM Labs DAC-6 and modified Philips SACD-1000 transport. I have heard this in close proximity to the Capitole Mk II (which I love dearly) and it is sigificant step higher in re... 
'Last CD Player' search
Thanks, all, for your responses. I have listened to several players since posting, most imprtantly the Ayre, which I found extremely detailed, a bit laid back, not lush, but definitely musically involving. I wasn't crazy about the system I auditio...