
Responses from cylinderking_1

loading question
Thanks for your imput. It really didnt seem to make a difference on the sound no matter where I set the capacitor value at thats why I wondering. David 
Linn LP12 Black Felt Mat How do you keep it on ?
I have the same problem with a rega p-25 and a ringmat 330, even after using it with a freshly vacumed record.Fixed it with a LITTLE scotch tape as Sidssp has recomended. The static is still there unfortuneatly I guess its not a perfect world. David 
UPS strikes again
I really enjoy reading the threads on UPS vs FedEx It truly is interesting in the bussiness that Im in we have had the most problems with FedEx they LOST 3 machines in the last 6 months $600 to $800 and would not pay for any. Like Avideo stated NO... 
Where are you? Do you know what your FM is doing?
Like Mr Campbell I live in the Pacific NW in the town of Marysville I have been listening to a station where they play smooth jazz. Im not a wanderer when it comes to changing stations, I beleive we have a fair selection, I own a MD ETUDE and it h... 
Flipping the LP over ...
It depends which table I am using, I have two the rega p-25 w/ 330 ringmat gets about 10-20% of the use I leave on, the TNT JR 80-90% gets turned off because of record clamp and I am more concerned w/ rubber mat on platter may cause scratching.David 
Round Two: Best Speakers for LOUD music and rock??
Klipsch k-horn I have listened to many klipcsh over the years and if you want it loud and dynamic take a listen to them. Remember horns tend to reveal flaws (junk in junk out). The bass in the k-horn is very good 33hz int their folded horn design ... 
"must have" accessories for TT and LP?
Ohlala, I agree 
What turntable for $1500 ?
I purchased a p-25 and was using a HO glider, pluged into a Mcintosh c-42 mm phono section. I thought it sounded great I thought I would add a phono stage. Found a used BAT vkp-5 at a great price then I realized how BAD it was before the phono sta... 
"must have" accessories for TT and LP?
All are musts but nobody has mentioned a magnifer glass to examine the needle.David 
Where should my equipment rack go?
I first and formost beleive you should put it were YOU want it. As I ran into the same problem in my application but I broke the rules my rack had to go down a side wall, I had no place for the amp so it went with the rack around the side wall eve... 
Record sleeves?
Patrick thanks for your lengthly post on what I thought might be a boring topic. I am concerned on this issue as I try to acheive the best possible sound in this format.Setting up phono stage(loading)/ mounting cartride to its desired setting/ vac... 
How do you store a whole lotta LP's?
I tend to agree with Albert if you have the room and you want it to look classy, take a wall and build media shelves.I have built all my furniture over the years and have found it may be a little more costly in the long run BUT YOU WILL GET WHAT (... 
Terres TT why a mystery
I agree with Sean most dealers are only informed about the products they sell and sometimes the are not versed in product knowledge in the audio industry.This is a story that happened to me,living up by Seattle I on occation go to certain dealers ... 
Your Best Hobbies (other than Audio)
Well I guess there are many thing I enjoy doing being married w/ 2 kids 8&6 there activites have also become my hobbies My wife & son are my fishing partners 12 to 15 trips a year to Eastern Washington (rufus woods lake which is part of th... 
The best sounding FM Tuner is.....
Marantz 10b w/o a doubt in my mind. Heres a sob story for you I missed one several ago in a estate sale for 75 bucks by 15 minutes (bo ho). Right now I magnum dynalab etude. But by no means equal a 10b or a Day sequerra .