

Responses from cyackulic

Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
I enjoy conversations like this because they're real and raw. I work in the industry marketing/PR and also buy, sell, collect and flip gear. The Manufacturers These guys keep raising prices beyond what's reasonable. There's quality gear from Chi... 
got my PayPal 1099 /// what now?
You got to love how this works. This is like triple dipping for the IRS.    So I buy something with my after tax money.  The item I buy, has tax on it that I have to pay.  So I've already paid a lot of tax on this purchase technically. Now whe... 
McIntosh purchased by Bose...NOT an April Fool's joke.
McIntosh own Sonus Faber right? They are going to teach Bose how to make a real speaker. I think that was the real reason for the purchase..lol   Bose is pretty good at marketing and they may be able to increase Mcintosh sales. I do fear like ev... 
VU meters added to Cambridge Audio
Wow, the fun police just came and rained on your parade.  
Looking for a new Subwoofer
These are the best bang for your buck subwoofers you can buy that will destroy any any subs above its price range. These are extreme subwoofers. I am not joking around. These things eat Klipsch for breakfast and destroy new build homes for lunch. ... 
Deals Gone Bad
If you use PayPal and ebay you will be covered by their guarantee and I have had to use it a couple of times on sellers with good accounts that got hacked and scammers took over their accounts. Fortunately, I was smart enough to catch on and notif... 
A switch for 3 amps
@audiodidact Did any of the solutions I mentioned fit your needs. I haven't put together my audio room yet but one of those options are going to be in my audio room and it's more than likely going to be the vintage maker as I think I'm going to go... 
New expensive power cord for amp and no change in sound?
Expensive Cables, Wires, and Power Cords to make a huge difference on your wallet and that can affect your listening experience. Because you spent so much money you're going to hear things you never heard before. Like your brain telling you you sh... 
A switch for 3 amps
Lucky for you I have been down this rabbit hole and search to the depths of Google far beyond I ever imagined.😁 I have found a whole bunch of solutions for your exact needs. However I am going to list all the ones I have found and you can pick out...