
Responses from cundare2

The Midnight Effect - Who-How?
Echoing what others have said, power-line issues could explain what you’re hearing. In my case, my house had been powered by a rooftop PV system (just panels, no batteries at the time). During the day, my stereo (kinda mid-audiophile, costing a t... 
Has anyone heard the BACCH-SP "purifier" 3D audiophile imager?
Now I'm curious and maybe I will shift things around to get more of a nearfield listening experience, I'm dubious, though. My desktop planar magnetics produce a nearly 100% nearfiedl listenign experience and I don't hear the 3D-soundfield FX desc... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@fastfreight No, it just isn’t a good fit. Now that GTT has sent me a price list, I find that a Mola Mola system would cost 50% more than what I’m looking to spend. And even if that wasn’t the case, I don’t see it satisfying the connectivity req... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@fastfreight OK, I dug a little into the Mola Mola line and, really, it looks pretty terrific in more than one way. Howevere, I can’t seem to find a price list. There are a few reviews of individual components that list a purchase price at the t... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@fastfreight I’m embarrassed to admit that I didnt' remember hearing anything about Mola Mola, but a quick Google refereshed my memory.  At first glance, it looks like a Makua preamp paired with, say, a Devialet might do everything I need, other ... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
I wonder if they handle Devialet or Ayre? I'll go check at your link, thanks H.  
Integrated amp: Component weight
@geof3 Thanks, that’s good info. I also found a dealer -- one that I’ve had good experiences with it in the past -- that has a no-questions-asked 60-day return policy that includes the Devialet. The Devialet is so impressive in so many ways, but... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@hgeifman >I agree with @blisshifi that it would be best to hear the amp with your speakers in your room before making a purchase. Is this possible? Again, no, Howard, absolutely impossible. The fact that that’s not an option is the biggest r... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@geof3 Yes, you’re right. I was thinking of the Hegel. The EX-8 would probably spec at about 130-140wpc (nominal, of course) for my 6-ohm Harbeths.  Thanks for catching that. Harbeth recommends a nominal 25wpc, but also released a video in whic... 
Has anyone heard the BACCH-SP "purifier" 3D audiophile imager?
What gear are you all using with the BACCH?  Mahgister is talking about a $1000 system?? There are reports (some quite credible) that one can obtain much of the benefit of the $30-50K BACCH products by moving speakers close enough to create a mos... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@blisshifi  Hope you don't think I was putting down Cambridge.  I've been a big fan of the company since Harry started it and have used many Cambridge products in home theaters, on the desktop, etc., with great results.  But this time, I'm lookin... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@krelldog  The Coda is heavier than I would consider, although if it's superb in every other way, I might bite the bullet and consider it.  But what about functionality?  Does it support the connectivity features that I outlined in my original po... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
 @hgeifman >If you purchase the Ayre EX-2.0 Integrated amp, would you purchase the amp only or include it with the Digital Base (S/PDIF, AES/EBU) with USB port and with the Ethernet port? Yes, I'd go for the full package.  The EX-8's DAC is t... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@blisshifi  Thanks for the recommendations, but probably not a good fit.  I liked Cambridge gear when I was much younger, but this time around, I'm looking at a different level of sound quality, more along the lines of ARC, Ayre, Pass Labs.  The E... 
Integrated amp: Component weight
@blisshifi  Did I read that right?  A 100wpc SET?