

Responses from ct0517

Review: Quad 57
1957 meets 2016 Been a few years since the last post. Time for an update. I did post more info on my virtual system.  My personal recipe.  Two Quad 57's hooked up to the amp designed for them - Music Reference RM10. This amp also eliminated the ... 
Best Ways to Organize a Classical Record LP Collection ?
Hi Mapman Sure - this is why the thread title is "Best Ways"The others here have provided their input on what worked best for them. I can’t tell you and the others how much this helped me - time is priceless and the suggestions have saved me a ton... 
Best Ways to Organize a Classical Record LP Collection ?
The thread has discussed organization by alphabetical, chronologicaL, label. What about Autobiographical ? https://youtu.be/AQvOnDlql5g:^) Vinyl LP Insurance This is proving more difficult. Learning that insuring vinyl is proving difficult with... 
Best Ways to Organize a Classical Record LP Collection ?
Been offline for a while. The records are now sorted to a level that they can be found. I think. Probably about as easy as finding my tools - which are not that easy to find. Why can I never find the Phillips screw drivers / bits when I need them ... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Excellent comments Pani :^) Pani I have owned the Verdier too and have tried various setup configurations. This may give the sound some added transparency due to the seperation but they dont sing like one. The coherency is affected, I have tried... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
LewmVerdier photo: It looks to me like Dietrich simply replaced the OEM flimsy tonearm mount (an inverted L-shaped affair that never looked to be very stable, to me) with a nice solid pillar and then attached it directly to the granite "plinth". N... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
HalcroThat is the most unlikely scenario. Airborne induced vibrations in the platter/tonearm/cartridge synergy are virtually non-existent as the turntable world would have ceased to exist if this were not so.I am very disappointed that you did not... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Fixed Pillars/Armpods with a Suspended table ? LewmWould you use an outboard arm pod with a suspended turntable? I don't think so.Bdp24True, a suspended-subchassis table will always have a plinth common to the platter bearing and arm pillar (at le... 
Best Ways to Organize a Classical Record LP Collection ?
Came across this interesting album. I somehow found it in the common section of albums on the floor, to be listened to. I think it was from my original personal stash, not the acquired collection, but they are all one now anyways. Found it very in... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Fleibbdp24,A table with a suspension is a different story.and whether that table (suspended or not), is on a 1) suspended floor itself2) concrete poured basement floor 3) a load bearing TT wall shelf 4) other is the bigger story. just sayin. All p... 
is there a market?
There is so much that goes into a great recording. I found the article at this link very interesting on how they used to do the recordings.   http://www.polymathperspective.com/?p=2484It focuses on the recording techniques for orchestras, and also... 
Tonearm mount on the plinth or on Pillar ?
Copernican, Copernican, wherefore art thou Copernican ?  Ground hog day come late in 2016 ... those familiar with that thread know what I am talking about.  But with some changes this time around - more direct experiences. I sometimes wonder why ... 
vpi tnt still a performer?
@melm Thread on a TT is a fascinating audiophile topic on it own. The use of different threads, is similar to using different tubes - different results. I experienced and heard what thread could do with a TNT; but I also saw limitations due to it... 
Whats playing on your system today?
Bdp - you're like a music group encyclopedia ....:^) 
vpi tnt still a performer?
Hi oleschoolOwned a modded VPI TNT for many years. The VPI TNT has something really good going for it - isolation of the motor. Add in those rubber belts and it produces a warm full bodied sound. However introduction of the Technics SP10 MKII in m...