

Responses from ct0517

Wilson Audio Haters
Eric (Bdp24) Fabio does not need room treatment. His hair provides for diffusion and dampening,  
B&W 801M vs. 801 Series 2, etc
Before Series 2 came out there were the series 80 models and a few other letters like the 801F and 801M.confusing :^( If the "801m" has a front port, and is bi-wire capable - I am willing to bet it’s the same as a Series 2 and this is a B&W ma... 
Why does it take so many hours to brea in arc preamps and amps?
break in.......... break out........burn in............burn out.......... 4 variables can lead to many combinations and then we have ............................. warm up. I have never come across a situation where the gear, and listener/s did not... 
B&W 801M vs. 801 Series 2, etc
I know there is the 801 series 80 (non-Matrix), 801 series 2, and 801 series 3, both Matrix. I'm guessing the 801M must be essential 801 series 1? Hi dastro It can get confusing but the label on the back of the speakers reveals the truth. Visual... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
kalaliSo, is this the right "type" of amplification for these Quads? hmmmm.....Sometimes...it is easier to turn the question around a little to get the right answer ? like.....How do you know if it is "not" the right type of amplification for thes... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
nyameBut this is the first time I have heard of stacking 3 pairs of Quads. Why stop there ? https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/72/13/36/7213361b9e13336a168f4c0d98008eb3.jpgThe funny thing is that when I had my Quads I was never aware, while... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Hi nyame yeah, I get the fact that the Quad 57 presents a capacitive load. Atmasphere also made this clear earlier. Also I do remember now, similar discussions with the OTL manufacturer who made the 200 wpc OTL amps I was using with my Acoustat... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
I am curious this morning and questioning this ML_2 that has been mentioned. There are two outputs coming out of my preamp. One goes to the RM10 which is run full out to the Quads. The second preamp line out goes to the Subs which are set to cutof... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Kalali Those of us who can’t afford the "perfect" speakers, resort to multiple room/system set ups for listening to different types of music. It might be a wash at the end cost-wise but it offers the opportunity to buy more toys to play with. My m... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
^^^^^^^^Hi Eric (Bdp24)   In followup to your post, U know..... I keep changing music genres lately, more than usual. There really seems to be no rhyme or reason to it all. I can't explain it. I think it is due to stresses from the past holida... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Right on Whart. Kent is a good guy over at EStat Solutions. I ordered EHT boards from him years ago. Can’t stress enough the importance of the subs here in the overall solution and fwiw, how "estatic" (sic) I am with the ones I chose. I found them... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Interview with Peter Walker   Interviewer"How do you rate the merits of listening tests to instrument tests? "Peter Walker"We designed our valve (tube) amplifier, manufactured it, and put it on the market, and never actually listened to it. In fac... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Hi whart - congrats on getting them set up. Would be interested in seeing a pic of the room so I can understand what is happening. I would be willing to go back into audiophile mode if I had the Quad II amps to compare with my Music Reference Rm... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
Thanks Atmasphere points noted and helpful IOW, its impedance curve is not an efficiency curve like it is with many box speakers!! I can’t emphasize that enough- ESLs are fundamentally different in this regard.The only amps I know of that can prod... 
Solid State Amps for Quad ESL 57?
had to find this on my hard drive. imo - the reason Acoustat will work with good Solid State. very different requirements from the 57 graph that Ajant posted. https://photos.google.com/search/_tra_/photo/AF1QipPLvcWgX83WAzSfmba9hKxw7vtl2Jx0HOEOzS4G