
Responses from crustycoot

Horn From The Heart: The Paul Butterfield Story
I got religion when I heard The eponymous PBBB and read Pete Welding’s notes, then checking out Little Walter, James Cotton, Junior Wells, etc.  Went to Gerde’s Folk City and bought my first of many harps. While there I found What’s Shakin’ and th... 
There's a lot more bass in a 6.5" driver than most of you think
I work in a high end store, but do not care to pay the cost for anything we sell, even at half retail.  So I built speakers using components from Parts Express, including their pre-fab crossovers.  I used the 4 ohm Reference Series 7" aluminum con... 
Do you prefer tidy room to messy one with better sound?
I remember an audio pal from the 70's with a poster on his wall stating..."BEWARE OF GOOD LOOKING STEREOS"...His room was a mess of course, with stacked up amplifiers, equalizers, various speaker systems of the day, etc. 
Small room amp and speakers recommendation
If you're handy, ditto on the Solstice from Parts-Express...Morel drivers and very well designed.  Continueing on that theme, you can also build an Akitika PR-102 and GT-102.  This will run you just over $2K, leaving room for some very decent cabl... 
Need a line stage preamp
BTW, I got mine without the remote option...didn't love the way the remote worked.  The thing is dead quiet and uses 4 Chinese 12AX7s that I have tried to replace with "better" tubes, but the ones supplied consistently outperform any other I've tr... 
Need a line stage preamp
I got one of these and like it alot: your price point, does a nice job...supposedly the circuit is modeled on the C-J preamps of yore.  This can be ordered from China on Ali-Express too, but Ray provides a warran... 
DALI’s Oberon towers and Vokal are worth a try if a local dealer displays them. Forget Focal...their new Chora line doesn’t even offer a Center channel model, and their last one, the Chorus 900CC, frankly sucked. I also think Ohms should be on you... 
Find somewhere to hear the Paradigm Premier line.  $3K for their biggest floorstanders and their biggest CC...inclusive!  And they are one of the few companies that use vertically aligned TW/MR on their center channels, which is key for good dialo... 
The best tweeter is no tweeter
The problem with most speakers is that the drivers don't add up to flat power output unless you are in the right place, which we call "the sweet spot".  It's worse with disparate polar patterns,  Long ribbons, like Magnepan uses in the 3.7i and up... 
Breakdown of Turntable Performance
All this turntable talk and no love for the Well Tempered concept?Chatter-free viscous damped platter bearing, chatter-free viscous damped tonearm bearing, physically isolated motor?  WT has 'em all.  I bought the original WTT/TA in 1988 after own... 
So I gained a few pounds and that lost love!
You are aware I hope that dozens (hundreds?) of Dead shows can be streamed on Tidal?  Their provenance is often actual mixing board recording transfers to full 16/44 digital files. Never accept the 1 7/8 ips 1/8” flangy fluttery pumping and breath... 
Blown away with 2 speakers hifi sound!
I read these comments regularly but have only posted a few times. As a 50 year audio geek working in the industry, I have spent plenty of time focusing on the reproduction at the expense of simply enjoying the music. But there are those occasions ... 
Best Brands Out of These-Wharfendale,Bowers and Wilkinsons...
You’ll need 400 Watt speakers, mate!  Or is that two 200 Watters?  I hear Deaf Teck is good...have you tride a Poke?  Ditch that Demon too and Get a Yo’Mama or a Man Rats!  We in the biz got a million of these...Sansewage, Poisonear, Oinko, Drool,... 
General question about tube preamps and gain
Perhaps relevant...I installed an attenuator potentiometer in my Akitika GT102 amp in order to lower its gain to match my Dyna ST70 (w/VTA driver PCB upgrade) to enable hybrid bi-amping (SS on woof, VT on Mid-tweets).  The pot was supplied by the ... 
How many of you believe in MQA?
Just a bit of clarification.  Larry, your Node 2i outputs Tidal/MQA by analog RCA, with the quality limitations discussed above, and by SPDIF Coaxial, but very few DACs decode MQA signals coming in that way.  The Mytek Liberty and Brooklyn DACs do...