
Responses from crustycoot

Old school shootout: Snell A/III vs. Original B&W 801
In Boston we had a radio show called Shop Talk on WBUR that was the model for the much more widely known Car Talk. It featured a psychiatrist audiophile and a physicist playing the romantic music lover vs the hard-headed objectivist. The shrink ha... 
Downward firing speaker port and domestic issues
In my experience, it matters not at all where or if there is a port or a passive or if a sealed box.  Bass goes everywhere, if you have it.  Your best bet is to either luck out with an elderly hearing impaired neighbor, or to get a really nice pai... 
So, I listened to a $1Million Dollar System
Nayls02, Probably the most effective demo you ever heard… made you appreciate your own setup.   
Vintage tube sound from a modern amp
Many of the fine examples offered are VERY EXPENSIVE.  The classic tube sound does not have to be so costly.  What's more classic than a Marantz 8 or its downmarket contemporary, the Dyna Stereo 70?  You can buy a brand new one with modern parts a... 
Turntable question; Does Audio Technica make any good turntables?
The ATLP120 is a cheaper knockoff of a Technics SL1200.  For its low price of $349.00 it is ridiculously good. They make a more purist model ATLP5X for $449.00 that looks like it might be even better.  Both have built in phono preamps. You cannot ... 
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
Panzer, Bingo!  This is my kind of HiFi.   
Please any idea how to plug in Tara Labs RCA connectors very close together? Thanks
On really old vintage gear, close spacing is not uncommon...quality cables then were made by Switchcraft and speaker wire was 16 ga. zip.  Think classic pieces like Mac MC 240s or Dyna Stereo 70, with barrier terminals and the like.  Solutions abo... 
Is the seated-centered solo listening to music a dated tech?
I always thought that stereo was an invention of Alan Blumlein, who created recordings with crossed microphone pairs to simulate our anatomical auditory apparatus.  Playback was intended to be by 2 speakers with an equilateral angular relationship... 
Best sounding CD player
Check out the Ayre CX8.   
Solid state to tube
I bought one of these a few years ago and it’s been a pleasure to use. Not a rebuild, but a brand new replica using the Latino VTA driver board.  Built by Chris Keller, a very fine gent, in NC. On the other popular resale platform… FOR SALE: Dynac... 
Large Advents (1974) woofer pops with deep bass.
The LA of 1974 would have a Masonite ring with a 9” paper cone in a 12” basket, designed that way specifically to prevent bottoming.  So either the inverted foam surround is perforated or there is another air leak somewhere…or you are overdriving ... 
Mahler on vinyl - your favorite
#2 Solti on London is gripping. Agree on the Elly Ameling Haitink 4th and Horenstein 3rd. But honestly Mahler is better on digital due to the huge dynamic range and the unavoidability of ticks and pops distracting during the pianissimos.  You must... 
NAD 3030 experience
I worked at a store that dealt in NAD in the mid 70s when Peter Treibman, formerly with Advent, became the US importer.  The 3030 was the base integrated amp and we liked it…but the failure rate was such that instead of New Acoustic Dimensions we ... 
To pricey
Listen to a pair of Focal Kanta 3s if you can…warmer balance, plenty of slam, and less $$$.  
Revel F208 - worth a try?
But Concertos were special. Don’t let them go until you’re sure you really upgraded!