
Responses from creeper

$500 mini system suggestions, Bose need not apply
Hello all. Again, thanks for all the posts. I ended up finding a good package deal on a NAD L-40 with PSB speakers for her. I had a couple runs of Harmonic Technology Melodyline sitting around, so I let her have them to complete the setup. 
unusual trio?
Morphine. Sure they're just a bass, sax and drums trio. However, the electric bass is only strung with two strings (A & D) and the saxophonist plays two at once. 
cd player with high output voltage,,under 1k?
If I'm not mistaken, Theta digital sources have healthy output voltages. 
$500 mini system suggestions, Bose need not apply
Thanks for all the posts so far. Great suggestions all around. Perhaps in her therapeutic situation, small room, the Bose isn't as bad as I first speculated. It was professionally recommended. I just hate to see someone spend so much for so little... 
Do all 6550 based tube amps sound the same?
robert8409,Just curious, what is the formal defenition of "sonic signature", as I might not be using is properly. Thanks :-)ps - notice how Viridian pulled his post? 
Do all 6550 based tube amps sound the same?
I'll second Elevick's statement, they don't sound the same. Even 6550 tubes themselves from different manufacturers have different sonics. Plus, any amp utilizing 6550's in the output stage probably has tubes in the input and driver stages as well... 
Need some audiogon expertise
I'm with Lindemman. It sounds like speaker positioning. Those VMPS are very capable in the bottom end. Might as well start there, it's free :-) 
I need a female jazz vocalist. No Krall, No Norah
Lisa Ekdahl. She's amazing. She records with the Peter Nordahl Trio, equally amazing. I highly recommend "When Did You Leave Heaven" and "Back To Earth". 
Beginners Tube Amp Recommendations
I'll second Newbee's suggestion of the Sonic Frontiers SFS-40. I ran some fairly inefficient speakers (86db) with one in a small room with great results. The best part of this amp to a beginner (or a veteran) is the flexibility of tubes it can run... 
How do I go about buying vinyl on
If you do an artist search you can choose which format (lp, cd, etc). Happy hunting! 
Where does imaging come from?
Dubzilla, what you described above - balance, volume, effects - are all part of audio engineering. However, there is a lot more to audio engineering than just panning, volume and effects. Depth, height, air, etc is heavily dependent on miking/reco... 
Thoughts on Coda gear? Any Coda owners out there?
I used to own a Continuum pre, Coda's more affordable gear. I liked it very much, as it was quite neutral. Nice build quality, except the dopey membrane-keyed remote. One note - Coda is really focusing it's attention on Innersound products now, ex... 
Concert attendance
I plan on attending MORE this year. I live in Jackson, WY, where we have the pleasure of enjoying the Teton Music Festival, at Teton Village. Full orchestral symphonies, small chamber ensembles, awarded guest artists, etc, all summer long. There a... 
Bearing oil for Linn Basik?
I've had great results with J.A. Michell synthetic bearing oil. Easily obtained through Michell dealers. Also, sewing machine oil works great. 
Help Tube newbee
Check out this site: information. Highly recommended retailer.