
Responses from crandell25

Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@three_easy_payments thanks for the tube recommendations.  I will look into them.@fsonicsmith Keep us posted on how you find the 8 watts for the 0/93s! 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
Lots of Line Magnetic recommendations!  I would have suspected more Leben pairings out there with Devores.  Questions to the Line Magnetic owners:1) Are the big power tubes (845, 300, 805) easy to source? 2) Are decent tube replacements expensive?... 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@ everyone, thanks for all the great suggestions!  Leaves me with a lot to look into.@essrand that is great to hear!  One last question, did you hear the Luxman 380 with Devores or with a different speaker? 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@essrand the Accuphase E-650 looks interesting from a class A SS perspective.  How would you describe the match and sound with the 0/96s? 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@grinnell I am not familiar with Decware but I will check them out! 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
@three_easy_payments, thanks for the detailed response on your direct experience with the 0/96s and some of the components I have on the list.  There is definitely something magical that SETs seem to bring.  I built a Bottlehead Crack for my headp... 
Devore 0/96 - Integrated AMP help
Thanks for the suggestion @gestalt.  300B is also an appealing option.  I will check the products out.