
Responses from craig_c

Best cartridge under $100 - vintage Akai TT
Johnnyb53 - Hey thanks. I really appreciate you good info. The KAB connection is especially helpful. Their website, though so 1993, is full of really great material that is helping me get a better handle on what is happening in the vinyl world.Craig 
Best cartridge under $100 - vintage Akai TT
johnnyb53Thanks for the really good info. I know my Akai TT is not high tech. I'll get some lube for the direct drive.I'm afraid I don't know what constitutes a "higher mass" tone arm as Celtic66 describes. I wish I was in the medium performance t... 
Best cartridge under $100 - vintage Akai TT
Thanks Zenblaster - I appreciate the input. 
Best cartridge under $100 - vintage Akai TT
Sumiko Pearl vs Denon DL-110Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? 
Best cartridge under $100 - vintage Akai TT
Thanks for the responses, folks.I'd love to hear from anyone familiar with the Sumiko Pearl.Anyone? 
Best cartridge under $100 - vintage Akai TT
Thanks for the input on the motor bearings. I had gotten the impression that direct drive is more accurate than belt drive, but recently I've been hearing that the DD can have motor rumble transmitted through the system.I've also gotten the impres...