

Responses from cosmicjazz

Why HiFi manufacturers don't make active crossovers anymore?
Was taking a look at the 6 channel amp Accuphase PX-600, I think it's from late 90's, and wondering how amazing can be the option that is showed in there, an example of use this amp with the matching channel divider with three way speakers system.... 
Need to Know More Full Range Drivers Brands...
Nice website with various types of designs enclosures, as well various speakers drivers types and brandshttps://www.lautsprechershop.de/hifi/kkits_wirkungsgrad_en.htm 
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)
Thanks for all the recommendations guys! really appreciated.Would like to know more about japanese manufacturers, but not the major brands that also make ultra high end stuff like Air Tight, Wavac, Leben, Luxman, Phasemation and etc.. trying to fi... 
Full Range Drivers and SET's, why is a classic combo?
Thanks for the detailed explanations. 
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)
I see...What about SET with 300B tubes, in parallel design? such a design is viable? will deliver more than 10W of power I presume...If viable, I don't know.. 
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)
I'm sure that these are the tubes that at least will provide the power that I need, but I'm also wondering what are the difference between their sound signatures in general...? 
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)
Thanks for the indication.First, I also would like to know more what are the main differences in sound between a SET with 211 tubes vs 300B... 
Full Range Drivers and SET's, why is a classic combo?
What are the main differences in sound between SET's with 300B tubes vs 211? 
Full Range Drivers and SET's, why is a classic combo?
Nice! thanks for your explanation. 
Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan
received some nice feedbacks this days from people that purchased amps with hm.. 
Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan
One thing for sure, his works appears to be a lot of character, is captivating in some way, but I just concerned about the reliability, the scarce infos about doesn't help much... 
Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan
Yes, I saw this, that why I would like to talk with more people that already purchased custom made amps with the man... It's being hard to find I must say.. 
Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan
Let me be more specific:When I look his various amplifiers design, I think they are interesting, uniques, but sometimes very intriguing, strange..For example, I noticed that in some amps, he uses vintage parts, vintage capacitors!?!?!? how such ol... 
Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan
Hello sir, how are you?Please, can you tell me more about the Otomon from Japan?I’m not finding too much info, just found your experience and another user that described a disaster situation.. Do you know more people that purchased amps from Otomo... 
Anyone had the opportunity to compare with the previous reference series, that are Class AB designs?Especially with the PM-11S1 and SM-11S1, that are separates power amplifier and preamp.