

Discussions cosmicjazz has started

Would like to know more analog crossovers similar to Fostex EN3000 and EN3020263814
This multi amp active system will work? take a look at my plan, thanks.16573
Luxman M-200? Anyone?65684
Power amplifiers with selector Class of operation? 222115
Default UESUGI tube amps from Japan, more infos please36902
Sony ESPRIT series thread.27546
6 channels (or 3) power amps, best suited for multi-amp HIFI stereo setup (not HT)13721
Vintage Pioneer Elite M-73 amplifier... anyone heard? still use?9650
Denon higher end integrates, Japan domestic market only...19511
Tri-amp 3 way speakers, still worth if using a multi-channel amp? (HiFI Stereo)190214
Accuphase PX-60021782
Tri-amp 3 way speakers, anyone? Would like to know more about it...16571
Why HiFi manufacturers don't make active crossovers anymore?33543101
Need to Know More Full Range Drivers Brands...10323
Affordable SET's with 211 or 300B tubes, (2000 dolllars maximum)724224