
Responses from coli

Crown XLS 1500
Yeah, I had miraculous result with star quad speaker cables before as well, also Canare. However, do note that ground lift creates a really bad filter: 
Crown XLS 1500
Sounds like you need balanced power. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Hi, I am evaluating the Benchmark DAC2 right now, I will also have a Metrum Pavane "soon"... 
Potential seller's strange policy
Nah, it's just a pennywise pound foolish seller. But if this is oversea shipping, then I can sympathize with the seller.Pro tip: do not sell overseas. 
Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC
Another former Directstream owner here, I really don't have anything good to say about it.... Other than I owned it 5 months too long. 
A-B testing of cables
If you can't tell the difference, then you don't need to change cables :) Try A/B cheap cables and see if you can hear a difference. 
Short speaker cable recommendation
Mogami 3103 
Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD
He probably can hear better than most people. I see a business opportunity here like Consumer Reports but for audio. 
Has anyone tried Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 RCA IC?
This is an OK cable for subwoofer, for audio it's pretty muddy compared to cheap XLR cables. 
Has anybody tried using single solid core cables?
Yes, I have experimented with solid core copper and solid core silver cables. The sound is unnatural, but it can make vocals sound better than they are. 
Parasound JC-1 variations
It needs to be repaired, if you send it to Parasound the bill will be around $300-400 bucks. 
JBL M2 speaker system ....
the JBL 7 series should sound similar to the M2 and way way way cheaper plus it got a passive crossover. 
Mutec has an upcoming USB version of the MC-3+ Smart Clock, you can use it to convert to optical and implement electrical isolation between the source and the audio system. Sound quality really is unrivaled. 
Is it live or is it?
I've gone back to horn speakers. They just sound... real, instead of hifi 
Request for assistance please room treatment
Flush mount your speakers. F****** amazing man.