

Responses from coffeey

High power amp reccomendations, airy highs a must
Upgraded Counterpoint Hybrid SA-220 Power Amps
i've got a solid One e, its not going in for any updates.I dont know about his other amps,he's made but i've noticed with the Solid one ,is that there seems to be about 5 different versions,i mean differing face plates,lots of differences inside,c... 
Atoll v McIntosh v Musical Fidelity v Rega
also a review in 6 Moons awhile back on a Atoll int. amp and cd player,very through review.just go through archives and you can find it. 
Atoll v McIntosh v Musical Fidelity v Rega
Never heard Mac or Rega,but i biased to Atoll,had a pre amp at one time and was more then happy,right now have a cd player sounds and works fine,plus looks like they now have a range of phono pre amps to pick from.There was a in. amp up for sale a... 
wyred4sound amps
i know if i try class d again it will be from Wyred. 
wyred4sound amps
that would or should surprise everybody. 
wyred4sound amps
after having 2 different brands ,you better listen long and hard before putting your money down,and double check return policy B.C. used to have 30 days,now i think its 2 weeks,which isnt enough time to audition anything, much less a digital amp.s... 
Bryston or Outlaw
Dave is right in a lot of his post,what you also want is a amp that sounds equally good at any listening level.Not just loud or just soft. 
Sony Playstation 1 for a CD player ???
i'll stick with my $20 magnavox 
Bryston or Outlaw
did you realy ask that ? 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
Thanks and when writing before i think you were referring more to the high damping of the ice amps if i'm correct.Also am i correct in that a lot of people think they can get more out of the recording then there really is on it in the first place? 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
My Counterpoint doubles from 100 watts 8 ohms to 200 watts 4 ohms,by coincidence i have Legacy studio monitors and yes they are efficient,like i said earlier,while i am satisfied with the bass it really could be a bit more defined ,louder whatever... 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
No problem,i mean my amp is like 75 and as i said if its on the recording that's how it comes out,it depends on the recording.So also what im saying is i wonder if the bass from ice amps is really realistic or not,or are people just wowed by the b... 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
There we go with damping factor again. 
ICE amps vs analog amps for bass
i had two dig. amps,Bass was extremely powerful and pretty detailed,but when it got right down to it it was just way to much,all anybody hears about is the high damping factor,,blah blah blah.Now i have a Counterpoint amp,do i at times want a bit ...