

Responses from coachpoconnor

Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
BigJohn 9095-I currently have a MicroZOTL mz2 mated with a Pass Labs XA-25 and couldn't be happier! The mz2 uses 12AT7/6201 input, 6SN7 or 12SN7 output. There are several reviews on the MicroZOTL, Herb Reichert, Teajay and the guy from New Record ... 
Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?
George - thanksI really hadn't considered a battery of that size. When I initially thought of battery power, I thought of motorcycle size batteries and recharging them in the garage. With your idea, if the battery would last 5-6 hours and I could ... 
Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?
Anyone ran the Mytek Brooklyn on just batteries. Maybe buying 2.. keeping one charging in the Garage? Are there batteries that are recommended for just this purpose? Anyone guess how long a charge would last? 
Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?
Erik-The specs of the Astron are more in line with Mytek recommends.Did you make any voltage adjustments? Are you using with a Mytek? 
Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?
The Mytek literature says, "Mytek Brooklyn DAC is equippped with external 12VDC power supply input. There is some sound quality improvement (particualrly deeper base and better soundstage) when a large external power supply is used. To have an eff... 
Looking for Linear Power Supply for my Mytek Brooklyn DAC. Suggestions?
wsrrsw-Was there an improvement in SQ? 
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
Linear Tube Audio Z10 integrated would sound excellent with your Klipsch. 
have you ever bought stereo without listening first
That is really a good question, lobinero. Here is my Nickels worth-You'd think that a town big enough to have the current Super Bowl Champions would have some decent 2 channel audio stores. KC doesn't. None of my gear that I presently own, did I h... 
SVS Subwoofer Isolation feet. Will I lose bass?
I teach emotionally disturbed kids and this thread makes me feel like I'm back at work! 
Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?
The reason I bought a MicroZOTL Mz2 is because there is a reviewer that claimed it sounded very similar to the Dodd. 
Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp?
Chorus-I own a Pass X-25 and a Supratek Sauvignon. I also have a LTA MicroZOTL Mz2 on it's way.. should be here by Saturday. In talking to Sean Casey of Zu, he also has a high regard for the Pass HPA-1. He used the XA-25 and HPA-1 together at a nu... 
High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?
One other suggestion.. The CAF 2019 “Best sound at Show” included the following components: MicroZOTL Z10 Integrated Amplifier, Spatial Audio M-3 Sapphire Speakers, Lampizator Amber 3 DAC. Given that you own Magnepan .7 speakers you must enjoy tha... 
High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?
Keep the SIT3, pair it with a MicroZOTL preamp and a pair of Zu speakers and I think you would be very happy.  
More Power or use subwoofer to boost bass for music
This might be a shot in the dark, but have you experimented with power cords at all?I had a power amp that changing out the stock power cord, was like Jesus showing up in the room. (Thought I'd throw that in since we were talking about cults)Also ... 
What 4 subwoofers to buy?
audiokinesis - I thought that was a very succinct explanation. Bass problems seem to me are best fixed slowly over a period of time, with experimentation.