
Responses from clueless

Linn's advice about bi-amping; question
I am not certain that I understand what you said. I am not familiar with your equipment.However, There are two distinct things you can do. 1)bi-wire and 2)bi-amp. These are completely different. Bi-amping is FAR more beneficial. In order to Bi-amp... 
Girl diagnoses & solves mechanical problem
I think I'm in love!!!(you don't like cycling do you?)Sincerely, I remain 
Revel Salons or Studios?
Kichoi,et.. al : Yes, sorry. I'd Forget my head if it wasn't...The site is I am at it I will give you Doug Self's site too because it is worth the look and should be in everyone's fav list. ch... 
What are we listening to...for...with?
Bishopwill: I confess some of us listen more to the sound than to the music. Maybe some of your conductor friends are in the middle of the real thing every day and, therefore, any system is going to sound well.. puny. In addition, they have plenty... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Sean and Whatjd: I agree completely with your comments. It is perfect general advice. But a question remains. What exactly is a "balanced" and "compatable" system? I mean what exactly do you buy? How do you divide the pie. Not trying to push a poi... 
Paradigm v/s PSB
These speakers, both Canadian are very close in many ways. Crossover design is not identical but similar. Its not surprising that you do not hear great differences as it is hard to remember sound as you move from room to room. The Canadians tend t... 
Best inexpensive integrated for PSB Gold speakers.
There is a great discussion about biamping at which is Rod Elliot's site (click on the audio articles link). Bi-amping is far supperior to bridging, period. To my knowledge the "current/impedence issue" is hardly a hot topic. It's bee... 
How do you determine how much to spend on speakers
Kraz:Well it only goes to show that there is more than one way to skin a cat. This line makes the Tower of Babel look moderately coherant. I'd throw my 2cents worth in but I am not sure I have that much to say. I'll give you 1cents worth.What are ... 
Revel Salons or Studios?
Actually is is Art Ludwig's site that talks about this topic. Sorry 
Revel Salons or Studios?
Where are you going to be sitting in your room? You won't line up everyone along the back wall will you?If you are really concerned with room acoustics, and I think you are as this is your second post, I suggest reading Doug Self's site if you are... 
How to pick your first SET tube amp?
How do I get to Carnegie Hall?? Practice, Practice, PracticeHow do I buy my first set amp? carefully, carefully, carefullySorry.(but true)"What is the difference between EL34 and 300b". There are many makes of both tubes each with it's own voice. ... 
How does one get off the merry-go-round?
Bottle-neck ferrites?? Check out the full back page ad in Whineophile. I've got all the back issues if your interested ...can't bear to part with them and February is the special annual cork issue with all the "A" recommendations. Sincerely, I remain 
Do the Audio gods shine upon you?
Detlof, when giving us your sage advise on vinyl (God knows I need it) please speak good yankee English...Centigrate??? Where are you from anyway. I almost put my Pink Floyd albums in the freezer. I get so confused.Sincerely, I remain 
Why Doesn't Contemporary Jazz Get Any Respect?
Marakanetz: Keith Richards is a great R&R rhythm player but he ain't Joe Pass and could not make it two measures into a typical jazz score (whole notes aside). All due respect to Chuck Berry. I think Chuck was trying to rub up a little. I once... 
3 Way Speakers
Short answer: 1)Frequency response and 2) dynamic response/tone. With technology the way it is it is near impossible to cover the range of frequencies needed for music which are often quoated as 20Hz to 20kHz, or get even very close with a two way...