
Responses from clueless

Near field listening and speaker placement
I think your questions are impossible to answer over the net. Like a Dr. ( I ain't no Dr.) trying to diagnose over the phone, But:1) Yes that's the idea but there is always reflected sound. And you will not "aviod" interaction with the glass in a ... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Actualy Einstein was quite religious but I do not think he could change a tire.Sincerely, I remain 
Gold Face Olympic Power = Canada
Hey.. ya know hockey pucks make great vibra pods too yet!!(Canadians rule the ice)Sincerely, I remain 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Not my point Doc.I remain, 
Anybody have a technical definition for "Jitter"??
No Rayhall, I distinctly remember doing the Jitter in the 20s. I was doing the wow and flutter in the 40s.Sincerely, I remain 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
Lmb- I think almost everyone agrees with you that we have not or cannot measure everything.Sincerely, I remain 
Anybody have a technical definition for "Jitter"??
I ain't no jitter expert but all digital players must break the original signal, which is one continuous signal, into little bits and take a finite amount (44.1kHz or larger if oversampling is used) of samples from the original signal. If there is... 
AMC out of favor?
I have never seen an AMC upclose and know virtually zip about them but they apparently have fallen "out of favor." I am in the market for a small tube amp and have watched the auction stuff here for about 6 weeks now and one guy has put several ne... 
Would you sleep better at night if.....
Well, I will only speak to the balanced part. If you are not stringing wire from down the block immersed in strong electric fields there is nothing balanced wire will do for you. You are spending money to fix a problem you do not have. Pros use it... 
Completely passive audio system...
Gthrush1, I have the same system but despite my best efforts I haven't been able to single out the best cables yet. Thanks for the tip. I always think it sounds best after a couple prozacs.Get Passive!I remain, 
Best preamp for Dynaco 70: Tube, SS, or passive?
Gthrush1: that's what I (an old PAS)use in w/ mine! I hesitate to tell folk to use what I do because tastes differ but your right - it's obvious and it works! I use mine in my shop and everytime I listen to it reminds me how far the industry has n... 
Best preamp for Dynaco 70: Tube, SS, or passive?
Well... there is no "best." Lots of tube pres work great. One of the really nice things about 70s is that they are so tweakable and there is a lot of support on the net if you are learning. Are you into DIY at all? I suggest a Bottlehead Foreplay ... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
I think Sean said it all. Wire is not wire and we cannot measure everything that makes a system sound good at this point, but the price put on cables cannot survive any intelligent look at their design parameters. Too many folk look at cables as s... 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
$7,500 for used cables is ridulous! You can get a half-way decent pair of 18" new ones for that!I remain, 
Any advantage to an outboard crossover box?
Karl:Well, I'm not objective because I think they are great! The beauty of the external mount is that you can tweak it after the fact so easily. Northcreek has a page, as I am sure you know, that explains how to make simple tweeks simply by adding...