

Responses from cleopatra52

Whats more important? Speaker or the Amp
If you don't match the speaker to your room acoustics, the money you spend on the rest of your system is a complete waste (well, almost). You will never appreciate the differences between higher quality source, amplifiers, cables etc. if you don't... 
Gallo Reference 3.1 distance from walls?
There is no right answer to your question as it depends on your room, distance from speaker, wall treatment etc. I have heard the 3.1s in my room; however, I did own both the Gallo Solos and the Reference IIs. In my room, I found that keeping the ... 
Quads - Just a couple of questions
1) try to find out the QUAD distributor and ask them;2) the Quad will provide much greater transparency and tonal accuracy than the Mags. This does not mean you will like the Quad better but it is a far superior speaker in virtually every musicall... 
VPI Aries 1 upgrades?
I would be very carefull about 'upgrading' your Aries 1 with the lighter platter and periphery ring. There are many that do not consider this an upgrade at all. The sound is considerably lighter, which gives the impression of more detail, but you ... 
Speakers for large open room
Coincident Total Eclipse and Total Victory. A friend has a room even bigger than yours and he has used both these speakers. He prefers the TEs and I must say they sound excellent in his room. Another big advantage, both are quite effecient and you... 
What's your speaker IQ, and the best speaker?
Speakers I have owned or listened to extensively:IMF TLS 80Braun 880 and 1010Rogers LS 3/5aDCM TimeWindowsMission 770Kef 105Apogee Caliper Signatures and DuettasAvalon Eclipse, Ascent and Eidolon DiamondB&W (too many to mention)ProAc (many mod... 
Best CD between EMM Labs & DCS
In my experience, the EMM (Signature) is outstanding on SACD but very disappointing on CD. I have no direct experience with the dCS but I could not live with the EMM as my only source. 
Reference 3A Decapo "i" sounds shrilly
I agree with Goatwuss, it is almost certainly a speaker/room problem. A friend has the same speakers and amp as you and it is a superb combination - absolutely no brightness. What is your room like, how far are the speakers from the various room b... 
Ottawa, Ontario
Indeed, an excellent theme and a wonderful afternoon. And the Scotch was pretty darn good too. Thanks Matthew. 
Vac 70/70 Vs hurricanes
The Hurricanes are not in the same league as the VACs or Canaries. I have listened extensively to all three amps in several systems that I know very well and between the three I would chose the Canaries. Indeed, I have two friends who have gone fr... 
K&K any comments?
My take on the K&K: In my sytem, I preferred it to the EAR (by a wide margin), the ARC PH3SE and it was at least on par with the PASS XOno. I subsequently purchased (used) a pair of the Bent Audio Mu-Mc S&B transformers to use in place of ... 
retro but quality amp for ESL 57's
Here is a link to a website that you may want to read:http://www.geocities.com/drquad@pacbell.net/csramps.htmlThe 3020 works reasonably well with the Quads but you would be better off looking for the NAIM Nait 1. The NAD will be somewhat cheaper, ... 
placement of quad 57's
Agree with Whart, you will have to experiment. I have mine about 5' from the front wall (to the center of the speaker) and a little under 2' from the side walls. I sit 8' from the plane of the speaker and they are angled so the tweeters are aimed ... 
GMA Callisto vs. Reference 3a De Capo i
I have never heard the GMAs but I did own the De Capo is for a little over 2 years. I don't believe that the De Capos are bright but they are definitely not forgiving either. If you are using ss electronics and a not-to-great CDP I would not go ne... 
Phono amp recommendations
I'll second 4yanx recommendation of the K&K. I have compared it to the ARC PH3SE and the Pass X-Ono and preferred it to both (although it was close to the X-Ono). I really don't think you can do better under $2K and this includes if you purcha...