
Responses from cleaneduphippy

Internet Direct Speakers.. Axiom M80 Thoughts
I always thought that Axiom's were designed more for the HT crowd than for the 2-channel music listening crowd. Can't really comment on the M80, as I haven't heard that particular model, but other Axioms I haven't been all that impressed with. 
My system is getting worse - now what?
I believe Tweeters has gone out of business. I know the one in my town closed down about the same time Circuit City did. 
Another "Which Bookshelf Speakers to Get" Thread
I would also recommend the Energy RC-10 at your price point ($400) 
Would you pay to audition speakers
It depends. In a store enviroment, absolutely not. Now if the dealer delivered the speakers to your house, and help set every thing up for a home auditionm, then I could see the dealer charging a fee, for his time and effort. Of course, one would ... 
Good Bookshelf Speakers for a Hearing Loss?
Lalo23,Add me to the list of those who suffer from hearing loss and that high frequency seems to make matter worse. I'm also in agreement with Tgrisham about staying away from metal tweeters. I think you're going down the right road with the Quad ... 
Mellencamp on Music Business
Jdoris, While I agree that on the smaller labels you're finding much more 'creative music", the big problem is selling this music, beyond the few fans that actively seek this music out. Fewer places that sell these CDs/records, problems with peopl... 
Upgrade Path
Tony,If your system still sounds good to you "keep it" as is. There's a lot of people on the 'Gon who are basically into "upgrading" just for the sake of upgrading. As for your speakers being "outdated", who makes/made that determination? The bigg... 
Speaker/Equipment Placement
"From an audiophile perspective, is it preferrable to have nothing in-between the speakers?"Definely preferrable, as it add depth to the soundstage. 
Large PA schematic for awkward space
I would suggest that you seek out the services of an "acoustic engineer" who is experienced in the installion of sound reinforcement systems into various venues. Another idea is to see if there is some PA companies in your area and ask how they wo... 
EPOS ELS 3 with SET Amp?
If you want small moniter size speakers, to be driven by a SET amp you would be much better off and happier with single driver speakers. Check out Tekton, Fritzspeakers, Omega, ect. Truth is, most two-way monitors such as the Epos don't really per... 
which speaker cables to buy?
Garypic,In trying to set a budget for speakers cables I would say no more that 10% of the combined price of your speakers and amp. Basically if your amp is worth a $1000, speakers worth $1000, that's $2000 ....... so 10% would give you a $200 budg... 
Speaker connections: Spade vs. Banana Plus
Glrtgi,I have a similiar situation to yours. My speaker wires have banana connections and which my amp accepts. Of course I have kept an old receiver as a "just in case' back-up amp, in the event that I might ever have put the amp in the shop. The... 
Help Finding my system bright...
"And I know its not my room acoustics becuase I have heard my system not bright before."Macd,My question would be, what changed in your system that in your opinion made it bright? I have AQ (IC and speaker) in my system and I've never got the impr... 
Stand Recommendation
Twb2, "concrete blocks"? Might work if you're a guy living a 'frat house" or in your Mom's basement, but if you're married with children you're going to need something a little more refined (WAF friendly). Hopefully you weren't being serious with ... 
Stand Recommendation
Here's a link to an article that walk'll you through on how to built the speakers stands that Dwhitt mentions. fun.