
Responses from clbeanz

CD Player or New Format?
Way things are shaking out get a redbook player.There may be many good DVD/SACD/DVD-A combo bundles this holiday season. 
what does "too dark" mean
Think of a portrait photo~on a dark portrait,details you know exsist,fine lines,uneven textures,lashes/brows blended would only just be visible in the most illuminated areas(foward points)outlines/edges less defined,full shape obscurred,background... 
I Hardly Listen to Music Anymore
I also am not as exposed to new music as people who constantly listen as background I think that's the key statement here.I have cycled through almost all the phases written of above.What gets me fired up is exiting new music,something not previou... 
Dealing with transformer hum
My rig uses short paths throughout run from pole to meter base/through dual dedicated to units(less 40')second breaker after a/c,yet I heard torriodial humming late evening when the noise floor drops. Tracked it down by throwing breakers off line ... 
azur 540c new or a different used cdp for 350?
Look into a "new" Nad521BEE $300.00 retailnew w/warranty.Bjorn Erik Edvardsen, NAD's principal designer.Leaves you some money for cabling.This is solid budget champ.You could search the net for discounted one,good luck. 
Speaker Wires on Carpet
Ceramic isolators in electric fence dept. of farm supply are comparatively cheap and include a molded in lag bolt you can fasten into wood block and saw flush.Home Depot and Lowes may have them in electrical aisle. 
Coupling vs. Decoupling for Bass Response
auto salvage sissor jacks and beams for temporary support,plus the carpet over padding? 
How many years before MP3 becomes king?
Looking at it differently now then in previous post. If these new reduced data formats and satellite broadcast music delivery methods draw new fans to music in large numbers,then we all win.A natural progression should be fans of these delivery fo... 
SACD - Dying already?
Good post...Mp3 puts new music out to large audience.Seed enough ground and you get a crop of future music lovers. A cross section of them will most likely pursue hearing beloved tunes in higher resolution formats.I started w/45's then later had T... 
Coupling vs. Decoupling for Bass Response
Yes I bet the cones direct energy into that large floor and make it sing along some.I once constructed Platforms boxes out of Medium density fibreboard.Like a big sandbox with close fitting floating lid.It helped some,would have liked more perform... 
window near my listening point and excessive bass
Your room is almost a cube,so a lot of bass energy is piling on.Small cube like rooms will have lot of standing wave issues.Not good but can be worked with.Since you are not trying to shoe-horn huge towers in there.Try this 1st:Open the rooms door... 
What digital evolution?
any specific example? 
SACD - Dying already?
It has never been off life support.You slice the music listener pie and remove all who are either happy with redbook,or pursuing other delivery schemes and what's left is small consumer minority at best.Sony probably will support it fora long time... 
What digital evolution?
Most are perfectly happy with CeeDee.Hi-end getting better? I really do not know for sure,maybe any improvements I think I hear are attributable to speakers,amplification,the removal of a pre-amp or inclusion of new design(digital).I can't afford ... 
What digital evolution?
Only thing I can't figure out is where's all the software for PC or Mac on dvd is,seeing it can hold so much more. Software seems to be an achilles heel in cdp too,as most consumers are happy with performance from it.We are the small crowd that's ...