Responses from classic8
Qualities Of An End-game System Even more important than the equipment or room acoustics is the mind and the mental and emotional state when listening to music. | |
Kind of Blue Appreciate everyone’s recommendations! @mahgister Always enjoy you sharing your experiences and music suggestions! @tostadosunidos Crystal Silence is a classic! I will add the French jazz pianist Claude Bolling as one of my favorite musicians. | |
Stuff You Tried To Love @cleeds I remember reading one of your posts from last year where you mentioned you replaced the Aurender with a Bryston BDP-3. I sent you a message earlier today with some questions about the Bryston. If you get a chance, could you please share y... | |
Handling Heavy Amps I have the same criteria as @ryder - if I can’t handle it on my own I will not buy it. With so much good audio equipment out there, I am sure the OP can find something that is manageable weight wise and sounds good to his ears. | |
Streamer Fidelity: Aurender N200 vs A200 and Lumin U2 vs T3 @glennewdick Good to hear that the U2 mini is no slouch - used prices are not crazy, good feature set, and external power supply could be a good future update. Good point that for streamer fidelity, once you get to a certain level, diminishing ret... | |
Streamer Fidelity: Aurender N200 vs A200 and Lumin U2 vs T3 @audphile1 I agree that dedicated is better. My thinking behind this thread was that if the streamer/dac units were "close enough" (which of course is very subjective) to the streamer only units, then maybe due to the lower used prices of the form... | |
Streamer Fidelity: Aurender N200 vs A200 and Lumin U2 vs T3 @glennewdick Thanks for providing more information. Just to make sure, are you referring to the full blown Lumin U2 or the U2 mini? I ask because you mentioned the U2 was way cheaper, but MSRP is $5K for the U2 vs $6.5K for either Aurender A200 o... | |
Aurender Conductor App Question Thank you everyone for explaining this to me. | |
Streamer Fidelity: Aurender N200 vs A200 and Lumin U2 vs T3 Hi @glennewdick, thanks for sharing your experience. Looks like I posted my latest question before seeing your post. So when you compared both units, you used the USB out of the A10 to the same DAC you used with the U2? | |
Streamer Fidelity: Aurender N200 vs A200 and Lumin U2 vs T3 Does anyone have any experiences they can share? | |
Aurender Conductor App Question @lalitk , @12many Thanks! It looks like Aurender/Conductor has the capability I am looking for. BTW I am old school, and like to organize my music manually and navigate folders :) It also seems like for Classical music, if the metadata is not the ... | |
Aurender Conductor App Question @audphile1 Thanks! | |
Aurender Conductor App Question @audiotroy I get the impression many apps work as you suggest. | |
Aurender Conductor App Question @audphile1 Thanks for the explanation. So the copy operation just grabs everything from the external HDD in one shot? What happens when you want to add more music in the future, to a specific folder, after the initial copy operation? Also, if I un... | |
Streamer Fidelity: Aurender N200 vs A200 and Lumin U2 vs T3 Hi @audiotroy, I appreciate your recommendation. Unfortunately my budget is around $3K, and that's why I am targeting the Aurender and Lumin models I mentioned above (used market). I am sure the 432evo units are awesome! |